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lay out中文翻译,lay out是什么意思,lay out发音、用法及例句

lay out发音

英:[leɪ aʊt]  美:[leɪ aʊt]

 lay out中文翻译,lay out是什么意思,lay out发音、用法及例句

英:  美:

lay out中文意思翻译



设计; 展示; 安排; 陈设

lay out常用词组:

layout design───布图设计;布局设计;布线设计

general layout───总体设计;总布置图

page layout───页面布局

lay out双语使用场景

1、Use a radius stick ( thin piece of wood ) to lay out the cut lines.───使用半径坚持 ( 薄一块木头 ) 奠定了晋级线.

2、She will be willing to lay out 2000 dollars for a washing machine.───她乐意花2000美元买一台洗衣机.

3、My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page.───我的工作是设计页面上的正文和图表。

4、Prepare design proposal for ceiling or partition project with lay - out plan, elevation drawings and section drawings.───准备天花板或玻璃隔断项目的设计平面图 、 立体图及剖面图制作的设计方案.

5、They showed us how to lay out a printed page.───他们告诉我们怎样安排版面.

6、She is always hard up because she doesn't lay out her money wisely.───她总是缺钱花,因为她胡乱花钱.

7、The model that I want to lay out is indicated on your notes for today.───我想展示的模型在你们今天的笔记中写明了。

8、I helped you lay out the third floor, back.───我帮你拾掇三楼后房.

9、I had to lay out a fortune on a new car.───我只好花一大笔钱买了辆新车。

10、Often I would help him lay out the corpse in the simple coffin.───我会经常帮助他把尸体放进简易棺材里准备下葬.

11、If can enter your school, I can redouble one's efforts, lay out more good movies.───如果能进入贵校, 我会加倍努力, 拍出更多的好影片.

12、Set annual objectives for team, lay out detail action plan, organize team, and track objectives'implementation.───为团队设定年度目标, 制定详细行动计划, 组织团队, 跟踪目标的完成.

13、He showed us how to lay out a printed page.───他告诉我们怎样设计版面.

14、They employed an expert to lay out the grounds of the mansion.───他们雇佣了一位专家来设计这栋大厦的庭院.

15、To lay out your report, drag fields from the PivotTable toolbar to the marked worksheet areas.───如要布置报表, 可将字段从数据透视表工具栏拖到已标示的工作表区域.

16、You should lay out your money in a planned way.───你必须计划开支.

17、She continued to lay out her cards.───她继续摆牌.

18、Please lay out all the clothes you want to take on holiday.───请把你想带去度假的衣服摊开看看.

19、Based on the materials and survey, its history, lay out and garden design are explored.───通过文献考证和遗址调研, 对继园的历史沿革 、 基本布局以及造园手法进行了探讨.

20、Please lay out my evening clothes for the party.───请把我的晚礼服摆在外面,我要穿去参加晚会.

21、I lay out and cut the first sheet, then traced that line onto the second sheet.───i铺陈和削减第一表, 然后追查该行上的第二个表.

22、You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.───你不必为这张餐桌花一大笔钱。

23、Longer fibres in wood are easier to lay out and fluff up for a softer tissue.───原木中较长的纤维较容易分离并疏松成柔软的卫生纸.

24、These are government decision on how much to lay out for purchases and transfer payments.───这些是政府对其购买和转移支付的支出大小的决定.

25、No, we shouldn't lay out that kind of money.───不, 那种钱我们不应该花.

26、Sir Lawrence's aim is not to lay out a policy.───劳伦斯爵士作书的目的不在与制定一项政策.

27、Please lay out my best suit for the meeting.───请取出我开会穿的最好的套服.

lay out相似词语短语

1、lay about───向四面八方乱打;努力干

2、plays out───结束;放出;用完;做完

3、flat out───v.竭尽全力;用全速;疲惫

4、play out───结束;放出;用完;做完

5、lays out───展示;安排;花钱;为…划样;提议

6、pay out───v.付出(钱);报复

7、flag out───退出


9、lay outs───展示;安排;花钱;为…划样;提议

2、lay out是什么意思?

lay out

1. 陈设; 展开She laid out all her new clothes on the bed.她把她所有的新衣服都摊开在床上。

2. 设计The architect laid out the interior of the building.建筑师完成了这幢建筑的内部设计。

3.〈非正〉花钱, 花力气He has laid out all his strength and is weary.他使出了全部气力, 非常疲倦。

4.〈非正〉击倒, 打倒With one blow he laid his attacker out.他一拳将攻击者打倒。


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