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false negative中文翻译,false negative是什么意思,false negative发音、用法及例句

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 false negative中文翻译,false negative是什么意思,false negative发音、用法及例句

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false negative双语使用场景

1、False negative tests can result from low worm counts, immature infections and all male infections.───心蠕虫数量小 、 未成熟或仅有雄虫感染时会导致检测出现假阴性.

2、Results The diagnostic sensitivity was 95.38 % and specificity was 100 %. The false negative rate was 1.38 %.───结果弹射式空芯针活检(ST-CNB)对乳腺癌的诊断敏感性为95.38%,特异性为100%, 假阴性率为1.38%,假阳性率为0.

3、What consequences do the false positive and false negative errors entail?───假阳性和假阴性的错误会造成什么后果呢?

4、All patients with false - negative sonographic or CES findings recovered uneventfully.───所有的常规超声或造影为阴性的患者,随访均恢复良好.

5、In an example like this, you may judge a minimum of 100:1 false negative: positive ratio to be acceptable.───在像这样的例子中,就可以判断假负:假正的比率最低为100:1才是可以接受的。

6、This means an update can fail when changes are made to other rows, a property referred to as a false negative.───这意味着,对其他行进行修改时更新会失败,这一特性被称为漏判。

7、Objective false positive and false negative rates of serological detection of Treponema pallidum antibody.───目的:使用两种快速免疫结合试验检测梅毒螺旋体抗体,可使假阳性降到极低.

8、The accurate needle puncture rate was 100 %, accurate diagnosis rate 92.3 %, and false negative rate 7.7 %.───刺中率为100%, 活检正确率为923%, 假阴性率77%.

9、False negative. Measuring error results in acceptance of defective sample.───错误的坏的方面. 误测导致验收不符合标准的样品.

10、What the paper tell you about the number of false negative and false positive screening test?───这篇文章告诉你关于筛查结果的假阴和假阳数据是 什么 ?

false negative相似词语短语

1、false relation───交错关系

2、false positives───误报;假阳性;主动错误信息

3、false allegation───虚假说法

4、in the negative───adj.否定的;反对的;adv.否定地;反对地

5、false negatives───漏报率

6、false relations───交错关系

7、double negative───n.双重否定

8、false positive───假阳性

9、rhesus negative───恒河猴阴性




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