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by now中文翻译,by now是什么意思,by now发音、用法及例句

by now发音

英:  美:

by now中文意思翻译


 by now中文翻译,by now是什么意思,by now发音、用法及例句


到如今; 到目前为止

by now双语使用场景

1、Except for you, I should be dead by now.───要不是你, 我现在就死了.

2、He must be nearing home by now.───他现在一定已经快到家了.

3、By now all logic had gone out of the window.───到这时根本就不讲什么逻辑了。

4、By now the plane was running out of fuel.───现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。

5、By now Murphy is Hollywood'stop male comedy star.───墨菲现在已经是好莱坞的一线男喜剧明星了。

6、water to have boiled by now?───水现在该开了吧?

7、You must be very worried by now.───你现在一定非常担心。

8、She must be into her thirties by now.───她一定30来岁了.

9、By now you will have guessed that I'm back in Ireland.───你现在应该已经猜出我回到了爱尔兰了。

10、He should have arrived by now.───此时他该到了.

11、Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence.───曼彻斯特联队现在充满信心。

12、By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.───现在这已成为他的当务之急.

13、She should be back by now.───她现在应该回来了.

14、She'll have had the results by now.───她现在应该知道结果了。

15、By now it was completely dark outside.───这会儿外面全黑了。

16、By now Murphy is Hollywood's top male comedy star.───现在墨菲已是好莱坞顶级男喜剧明星。

17、All this happened years ago; he's lived it down by now.───这一切是好多年以前的事, 人们现在已经原谅他了.

18、"You must've seen the world by now," said Frannie, "I envy you that."───“现在你肯定已经大开眼界了,”弗兰尼说,“我真嫉妒你。”

by now相似词语短语

1、by rote───死记硬背

2、by name───名叫;凭名字

3、how now───现在怎么样

4、for now───目前,暂时


6、by Jove───天啊

7、by law───n.根据法律,在法律上;附则



2、by now是连接词吗?


by now是现在完成时的标志,另外还有so far,till/until now,up to now。都使⽤现在完成时。

如:By now you will have guessed that Im back in Ireland.你现在应该已经猜出我回到了爱尔兰了。

He would have been there by now if had not missed the train.如果不是误了⽕车的话他已经到达爱尔兰了


even now

即使如此, 尽管这样

now and then (=every once in a while)

不时, 时而, 偶而

now and again (=every once in a while)

不时, 时而, 偶而

every now and then (=every once in a while)

不时, 时而, 偶而

every now and again (=every once in a while)

不时, 时而, 偶而

for now

[口]暂时, 目前, 眼下

from now on

从现在起, 今后


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