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has gone中文翻译,has gone是什么意思,has gone发音、用法及例句

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 has gone中文翻译,has gone是什么意思,has gone发音、用法及例句

has gone中文意思翻译



has gone双语使用场景

1、The best time to ask for a raise is when everything has gone wrong and your boss is in a panic mode.───要求加薪的最好时机是公司里乱得一塌糊涂老板焦头烂额的时候。

2、"Here's a species that, of its own accord, has gone down an evolutionary cul-de-sac, " Packham told Radio Times magazine.───帕克汉姆对《RadioTimes》杂志表示:“这是一个本身已走到进化历史尽头的物种。”

3、the last servant has gone to bed, and he must lie all night in agony with no one to bring him any help.───最后的仆人睡觉去了,他必须带着痛苦躺整个晚上,没有人来帮他。

4、When June comes, he thinks she has gone on her trip to see her parents. Then he begins to wait for her to come back.───他认为她仍活着,每逢六月,他认为她上路去看她父母了,并开始等她家。

5、That colour has gone out of fashion.───那种颜色已不时兴了。

6、He says the economy has gone to seed.───他说经济已经走向衰退。

7、The water has gone cold.───水已变凉。

8、This milk has gone bad. You can't leave milk sitting out; you've got to put it in the refrigerator.───这牛奶已坏了。你不能把牛奶放在外面,必须把它放在冰箱内才行。

9、The writer looks at all of life "under the sun" . He finds it meaningless and merely a repetition of all that has gone before.───作者看尽「日光之下」的众生相,只感到毫无意义和不断重覆。

has gone相似词语短语

1、far gone───大醉;离得远;快结束的

2、has out───已经出局了

3、has in───海恩(地名)


5、as one───第一流的;身体健康的;了不起的人物

6、has on───已打开

7、at one───一致地



2、has gone和has been的区别

1)have/has gone to 表示去了,属于瞬间动词(暂短性 动词),不与一段时间连用.

eg:-Where is Tom?

-He has gone to Shanghai.(他去了上海)言外 之意:他不在说话现场

如果表示去过则用has / have been to

eg:I have been to the Great Wall.(我去过长城)

另外,如果时间状语是一段时间,也用has / have been to

eg:he has been there for two years.(两年是时间段所以用been)

2)同样,has /have been away 和 has/have left 是对应的,都表示离开,has/have been away 是延续性的,与时间段连用,has/ have left 是瞬间动词

eg :He has been away from that factory for two days.(离开两天了)

eg:He has left from his office.(只表示离开)


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