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leave on中文翻译,leave on是什么意思,leave on发音、用法及例句

leave on发音

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leave on中文意思翻译



 leave on中文翻译,leave on是什么意思,leave on发音、用法及例句

让…留在原处; 让(火)燃着,让…开着

leave on双语使用场景

1、I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes.───若无什么事情发生的话,我将于星期天动身.

2、Will this flight leave on time?───这班机准时起飞 吗 ?

3、Wrap hot towel over shower cap . Leave on for 10 mins.───再用热毛巾将淋浴帽一起包裹10分钟.

4、We want to leave on the eleventh of August.───我们想于八月十一日离开。

5、The officer reported back from leave on Sunday night.───那军官于星期日晚上报到销假.

6、The first plane is due to leave on October 2.───第一架飞机定于10月2日起飞。

7、Anyone breaking the rules will is ask to leave on the spot.───任何犯规的人都要立即离场.

8、We leave on the morrow.───我们明天动身.

9、She will leave on an early train.───她将乘早班火车离开.

10、Don't leave on my account.───别因为我就走了。

11、You may find a bit of meat leave on the chicken carcass.───鸡骨头上还可能有点儿肉呢.

12、Be there any seat leave on the express bus for Sacramento?───往Sacramento的快车还有座位 吗 ?

13、" Mr. Hua Wei has to leave on other business.───“ 华威先生还有别的事情要走.

14、So i have to ask for leave on Sunday afternoon.───这个星期天下午我不能去上课了,要请假.

15、Make sure the current is switched off before you leave on holiday.───你出去度假前一定要把电源关上.

16、We had to leave on the morrow.───我们明天就得离去。

17、Are we scheduled to leave on time?───飞机准时起飞 吗 ?

leave on相似词语短语

1、leads on───v.哄骗;引诱

2、leaned on───依赖;靠在…上

3、lead on───v.哄骗;引诱

4、leans on───依赖;靠在…上

5、leave out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

6、late on───后来;以后;过后

7、leave off───停止

8、have on───穿着;戴着;有事在手头上;使上钩

9、lean on───依赖;靠在…上


depart是动词,一般可以解释为“分离”,也可以表示“去世”,是不及物动词,leave可以解释成“离开”,是个及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,后面可以加地点。如:Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April.My flight leaves in less than an hour.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


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