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sleeping bags中文翻译,sleeping bags是什么意思,sleeping bags发音、用法及例句

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sleeping bags中文意思翻译


 sleeping bags中文翻译,sleeping bags是什么意思,sleeping bags发音、用法及例句

n.(野外用的)睡袋( sleeping bag的名词复数 )

sleeping bags双语使用场景

1、They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor.───他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。

2、We spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent.───我们把我们的睡袋铺在帐篷中的干燥地面上.

3、Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.───睡袋几乎马上就卖完了。

4、All sorts of sleeping bags have been developed and many have been given extensive trials under various conditions.───各式的睡袋被试制出来,并且有许多曾在不同条件下广泛试用.

5、Along with these traditional classifications there are several myths about sleeping bags.───随着这些传统的分类有几个神话睡袋.

6、The sleeping - bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.───睡袋很暖和很舒服, 他们都睡的很香.

7、Their sleeping - bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.───他们的睡袋又暖和又舒服, 所以都睡得很香.

8、The children snuggled into their sleeping bags.───孩子们挤进他们的睡袋里.

9、They all leapt out of their sleeping - bags and hurried outside.───他们都从睡袋里跳了出来并急忙跑到外面.

10、While in bivouac, we spent the night in our sleeping bags under the stars.───在临时宿营地, 我们就头顶星星,躺在睡袋里过夜.

11、Bring lawn chairs, sleeping bags, and hot drinks to stay warm.───带上草地躺椅, 睡袋, 用热饮保持身体温暖状态.

12、Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags.───我们的野营装备包括锅子和睡袋.

13、Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.───睡袋几乎一眨眼就卖完了。

14、We cuddled against each other to keep warm; The children snuggled into their sleeping bags.───我们偎依在一起取暖; 孩子们在睡袋里偎依在一起.

15、The sleeping bags can zip together.───这些睡袋是用拉链封严的。

16、We unrolled our sleeping bags.───我们打开了睡袋。

17、Camp meals are no great problem. Neither are beds, thanks to air mattresses and sleeping bags.───野营的饭食不是大问题,床也不是. 多亏了空气垫和睡袋.

18、Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.───他们的睡袋暖和舒服, 所以他们都睡得很香.

sleeping bags相似词语短语

1、sleeping cars───卧车

2、sleeping habits───睡眠习惯

3、sleeping berths───卧铺

4、sleeping giants───沉睡的巨人

5、sleeping chairs───躺椅

6、sleeping areas───睡眠区

7、sleeping car───卧车

8、sleeping bag───睡袋

9、shopping bags───[贸易]购物袋




(指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包, (有轻金属框的)箱形背包( backpack的名词复数 )


{$i} They load all their equipment into backpacks.


{$i} We carry the tent, sleeping bags, clothes, food and water with us in our backpacks.



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