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蔬菜沙拉英文(vegetable salad中文翻译,vegetable salad是什么意思,vegetable salad发音、用法及例句)

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 蔬菜沙拉英文(vegetable salad中文翻译,vegetable salad是什么意思,vegetable salad发音、用法及例句)


vegetable salad双语使用场景

1、Thursday : Vegetable salad with fruits, French bread, Seasonal fruits, Curry chicken with rice, Juice or yoghurt.───星期四: 蔬菜水果沙拉;法式面包; 时令水果; 日式咖喱鸡肉配米饭; 果汁或酸奶.

2、I would like some vegetable salad.───我想要些蔬菜沙律.

3、Another common vegetable salad served with lunch or dinner is " cole slaw, " made from cabbage.───还有一种午晚两餐常吃的蔬菜凉拌, “ 卷心菜 ” 凉拌,是用卷心菜做的.

4、Wash the fruit and make a fruit vegetable salad.───水果洗一下,做个水果蔬菜沙拉。

5、Chicken, vegetable salad and tomato soup.───鸡 、 蔬菜沙拉和番茄汤.

6、Wash the fruit and make a fruit vegetable salad.───帮我把水果洗一下,做个水果蔬菜沙拉.

7、I'd like a vegetable salad.───我想来份蔬菜沙拉.

8、Small felafels with tahini sauce and vegetable salad.───芝麻酱和蔬菜沙拉。 。

9、Small felafels with tahini sauce and vegetable salad.───埃及炸豆泥,配白芝麻酱和蔬菜沙拉.

10、I'm afraid the shrimp salad is sold out. But we serve vegetable salad.───恐怕鲜虾色拉已经卖完了. 不过我们有蔬菜色拉.

11、I want some unsweetened fruit juice and vegetable salad.───我想要不加甜味料的果汁和蔬菜沙拉.

12、I think I will have the spaghetti and a vegetable salad.───我想要一份意粉和蔬菜色拉.

13、I'm going to make a raw vegetable salad and creamy chicken soup.───我想我会做生蔬沙拉和奶油鸡汤.

vegetable salad相似词语短语

1、vegetable golds───蔬菜黄金

2、vegetable fat───植物油;[油脂]植物油脂;植物脂肪

3、vegetable oil───植物油

4、vegetable tallow───植物油脂

5、vegetable silks───n.植物丝,木棉

6、vegetable salads───蔬菜沙拉

7、vegetable gold───蔬菜黄金

8、vegetable fats───植物油;[油脂]植物油脂;植物脂肪

9、vegetable silk───n.植物丝,木棉

vegetables salad还是vegetable salad 加不加s

apple trees

所以,选vegetable salad


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