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there it is中文翻译,there it is是什么意思,there it is发音、用法及例句

there it is发音

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there it is中文意思翻译


 there it is中文翻译,there it is是什么意思,there it is发音、用法及例句



there it is双语使用场景

1、Look, there it is, right under your nose!───瞧, 那不是, 就在你面前!

2、" There it is, just around the curve. "───“ 到了, 就在弯过去的地方. ”

3、W : There it is, beside the wardrobe.───那里就是了, 在衣橱的旁边.

4、There it is, on the corner over there.───在那儿呢,在那边那个角上。

5、It's crazy, I know, but there it is.───我知道,那很疯狂,不过情况就是如此。

6、So there it is girl, we've got it all now.───所以就在那里,女孩, 我们现在已经拥有爱情.

7、There it is X is 0, Y is 3.───我当然会得到那个.

8、There it is, unless it's Scotch mist.───就在那里, 你怎么没看到呢.

9、As long is she stays there, it is all very well.───只要她待在那儿, 包管无事.

10、There was a booming of bells and Crawford said, " There it is. "───钟声沉重地响了,克劳夫德说: “ 钟响了. ”

11、it is," said Peter calmly.───它。”彼得平静地说。

12、And then, almost at the last minute there it is, right there.───然而, 几乎是在你即将要放弃的最后一刻,它出现了.

13、I don't want to labour the point but there it is.───我不想反复重申,但还是不得不说。

14、Oh, there it is. I'll get it.───喂, 在那边呐. 我去拿吧.

15、There! It is a tea shop.───看, 这是一家茶馆.

16、It's not something I am proud of, but there it is.───这不是什么让我感到骄傲的事, 但却是事实.

17、Keep away from the old house over there, it is vulnerable.───离那个老房子远点, 它很不结实.

18、There it is —just behind the chair.───可找到它了,就在椅子后面。

there it is相似词语短语

1、there is no───根本没有

2、the fact is───事实是


4、there again───又来了

5、here sb is───某人来了


7、therein lies───那一点就是···;···就在那里



they are there are it is分别的意思

Here they are一般是(东西)给你还有(人)他们到了的意思.they指代人,他们

There it is.这个仅指物,it做指示代词,指某物,它,它在那儿.


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