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the big apple中文翻译,the big apple是什么意思,the big apple发音、用法及例句

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英:[ðə ˌbɪɡ ˈæpl]  美:[ðə ˌbɪɡ ˈæpl]

英:  美:

the big apple中文意思翻译


 the big apple中文翻译,the big apple是什么意思,the big apple发音、用法及例句


the big apple双语使用场景

1、They remembered the stories of the jazz musicians and began using the Big Apple in their advertisements.───这些官员想起了爵士乐手的故事,于是便开始在广告中使用这个新说法,效果棒极了。

2、Atlanta is known as the " Big Apple ".───亚特兰大以 “ 大苹果 ” 而著称.

3、If you ask me, the Big Apple is rotten to the core.───如果你问我, 我会说纽约这个大都市糟透了.

4、People celebrating Santacon in the Big Apple wait for a train to approach the platform.───意译:纽约州,纽约市.人们庆祝圣诞节要到大苹果(是纽约的代名词)圣诞老人们在地铁月台等候列车.

5、The little girl is from the Big Apple.───这个小女孩来自于纽约城.

6、The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented.───对纽约的主要旅游胜地有详细的记载。

7、We should take a trip to the Big Apple this winter and see Times Square.───这个冬天我们应该去纽约旅行,去看看时代广场.

8、The little girl is from the Big apple.───这个女孩来自纽约.

9、She lives in the Big Apple.───她住在大苹果城(即纽约).

10、At last we are in the Big Apple!───我们终于来到纽约了.

11、main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented.───纽约城主要景点被很好地记录在案。

12、And have a good stay in the Big Apple.───祝您在纽约愉快.

13、The boy made away with the big apple.───这孩子把大苹果吃光了.

14、Whales are back in the Big Apple.───鲸鱼回到了纽约。

15、Let's cut the big apple into halves and share it.───咱们把大苹果切成两半分着吃吧.

16、Have you ever been to the Big Apple?───你去过纽约 吗 ?

17、Our trip to The Big Apple was more fun than expected.───我们到纽约的旅行比我们原先预想的要更有趣.

the big apple相似词语短语

1、the Big Five───大五类人格特征

2、the big time───大成功;大时代

3、a bad apple───烂苹果;坏蛋

4、the Big Issue───大问题

5、the Big Apple───大苹果城(美国纽约市的别名)

6、the Apple───苹果

7、the Big Smoke───大烟雾

8、the Big Dipper───北斗七星

9、eating apple───吃苹果


the big apple1. 纽约城2. 大苹果Going to the big apple circus today. 不去,我今天要去大苹果马戏团。


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