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wider audience中文翻译,wider audience是什么意思,wider audience发音、用法及例句

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 wider audience中文翻译,wider audience是什么意思,wider audience发音、用法及例句

wider audience双语使用场景

1、But despite its many champions, the book has slipped in and out of print, never quite catching on with a wider audience.───不过,尽管有不少支持者,小说当时出版和绝版都没有引起太大注意,也未能吸引更多读者。

2、Through television and radio we are able to reach a wider audience.───通过电视和收音机,我们能够为更加广泛的观众和听众所熟悉。

3、Now the rise of electronic commerce has opened up famous brands to a wider audience.───现在电子商务的兴起让知名品牌拥有了更多的顾客。

4、NL: Do you think you had a wider audience when you were writing for the print media?───问:你是否觉得自己在平面媒体上,能够累积较多读者?

5、Another, featuring just Tony and his wife Cherie, has been sent to a wider audience - although not on the scale of the US president.───另一种贺卡上面只有布莱尔和妻子切丽,这种贺卡送给更多的人--尽管没有像美国总统那样送给那么多的人。

6、His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie.───他的书被搬上银幕后赢得了更广大的观众。

7、But Steve Howard, executive director of the Climate Group, is adamant that the message is beginning to reach a wider audience.───但是气候集团执行干事史蒂夫•霍华德(SteveHoward)坚信,相关信息已经开始传达到了更多人的耳中。

8、He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.───He他的工作室觉得艺术家失去了他在现代社会,艺术和应享有更多的观众。

9、She added: "This is a book about a huge case of injustice ongoing on reservations. Thank you for giving it a wider audience. "───她补充说:“这本书是关于保留地中正在发生的极大不公正事件。感谢你们为此带来更广泛的观众。”

wider audience相似词语短语

1、studio audience───摄制场内的观众

2、huge audience───庞大的观众群

3、worldwide audience───全球观众

4、weekly audience───每周观众

5、target audience───目标受众;目标观众;目标客户

6、modern audience───现代观众

7、wide audience───大量观众;广大听众

8、packed audience───拥挤的观众

9、radio audience───广播听众



Introduction 1:

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to be here today to introduce myself to you all. I recently came across an amazing opportunity to join the YUANFUDAO team, and I am excited to be considered for a position here.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong background in education. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Education from [University Name], where I gained a solid foundation in teaching methodologies and classroom management. I have also completed several internships at local schools, where I had the chance to apply my knowledge and develop my skills.

During my time as an intern, I discovered my passion for online education and the potential it has to reach a wider audience. This is what led me to apply for a position at YUANFUDAO. I am impressed with the company's commitment to providing high-quality education to students and its innovative approach to online teaching.

In addition to my education background, I am also a strong communicator and possess excellent interpersonal skills. I believe in creating a positive and engaging learning environment for my students, where they feel comfortable to ask questions and actively participate in the learning process.

I am confident that my skills and passion for education make me a strong fit for the YUANFUDAO team. I am eager to contribute to the company's mission and work collaboratively with the talented individuals here.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.

Introduction 2:

Hello everyone,

My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to be here today to introduce myself to you all. I am extremely interested in the opportunity to join the YUANFUDAO team and contribute to its mission of providing top-quality education to students.

I have a Master's degree in Mathematics from [University Name], where I specialized in applied mathematics. Throughout my academic journey, I have de


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