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for another中文翻译,for another是什么意思,for another发音、用法及例句

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for another中文意思翻译


 for another中文翻译,for another是什么意思,for another发音、用法及例句


for another双语使用场景

1、Morning came and I sat for another written exam for a third company, still thinking about what I had happened yesterday.───早晨当我又参加一家共识的应聘笔试时,我止不住想到昨天发生的一切。

2、Who's for another round of toast?───谁还要烤面包片?

3、If all goes well for her, "Mac" , as he likes to be called, could be at the centre of American politics for another decade.───现在他是克林顿夫人的竞选经理人。如果克林顿夫人一切进展顺利的话,麦克(他喜欢被人这么称呼)在下一个十年里可能是美国政治的中心。

4、you care for another drink?───您再来一杯好吗?

5、Bill stepped out of line a couple of times at work and now they've told him to look for another job.───比尔在工作中有几次不按要求去做,现在他们只能请他另谋出路。

6、She's leaving him for another man.───她要抛弃他去跟另一个男人。

7、"Tell James and the brothers about this, " he said, and then he left for another place.───又说,你们把这事告诉雅各,和众弟兄。于是出去往别处去了。

8、But just as he was expecting her, she phoned to say that she wouldn't be in for another two and a half hours.───但是当他正等待时,妻子打电话回来说她要两个半小时后才能到家。

9、you have every mum says that you never realize how much you love you could have for another person until you have the baby.───任何一位妈妈都会说,你从未认识到你有多么爱另一个人,除非你有了孩子,一切都会改变。

for another相似词语短语


2、for a wonder───说来奇怪

3、one another───彼此,互相

4、or other───或者说


6、foster brother───义兄弟

7、or another───或另一个

for one thing for another怎么用?


例如:You can have the capacity for one thing and not for another.




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