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get with中文翻译,get with是什么意思,get with发音、用法及例句

get with发音

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get with中文意思翻译


 get with中文翻译,get with是什么意思,get with发音、用法及例句




get with双语使用场景

1、Otherwise, let's see what I get with I.───否则让我们看看,我装上i得到的是什么。

2、I am sure you can get with it if you try.───如果你试一试的话,我相信你一定能适应.

3、What kind of magnification can you get with that scope?───你能得到什么样的放大?

4、Come on, do the latest dance, get with it!───来吧, 跳最新式的舞蹈, 要跟上时代潮流.

5、Please! Cell phones are a necessity nowadays days. Get with it.───拜托! 现在手机是必需品. 你跟上一点好不好?

6、Cell phones are a necessity nowadays. Get with it.───现在手机是必需品. 你跟上一点好不好?

7、The coach told the team to get with it.───教练要队员们注意听他的话.

8、They been tryin'to get with me, tryin'to ( hahaha hahaha )───他们都试着去接近我, 试着去 ( 哈哈哈哈哈哈 )

9、The teacher told the class to get with it.───老师要求同学们注意听讲.

10、George really needs to get with it.───乔治真的该留意一下时尚。

11、Get with the current moment Mr. Secretary and Mr. President.───国防部长和总统请认清现在的局势.

12、You know what you are to do, so get with it.───你既知道该做什么,那你就做起来吧.

13、How far can we get with this kind of argument?───我们在多大程度上能够获得这种辩论的胜利?

14、George really get with it . He's still wearing bellbottoms.───乔治真的该留意一下时尚. 他仍然穿着喇叭裤.

15、Please! Cell phones are a necessity. Get with it.───拜托! 现在手机是必需品. 你跟上一点潮流好不好?

16、Please! Cell phones are a necessity nowadays . Get with it.───理解吗, 我发现我们班上几乎每一小我都有一部手机.

get with相似词语短语

1、get wise───了解情况;识破

2、meet with───符合;偶然遇见;遭受

3、dealt with───处理;与…交易(dealwith的过去式、过去分词)

4、go with───v.伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

5、goes with───v.伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

6、get in with───与某人交往,跟…熟悉起来

7、get it───明白了;做到

8、get with it───赶上时髦;留神

9、went with───陪伴;带有;配合


get with it的意思是: 1. 使自己适应 I am sure you can get with it if you try . 如果你试一试的话, 我相信你一定能适应。

2. 警觉,留;快点着手(做某事),催促某人留意或者开始做某件该做的事 "You really need to get with it! You have a test tomorrow! " “你必须快点着手了!明天就考试了!”

3. [俚语]赶上时髦,赶潮流,顺应新潮流,不落伍 "Please! Microblog is so popular now. Get with it!" “拜托!微博现在很流行。顺应潮流吧!”

get with 着手


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