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 market cap中文翻译,market cap是什么意思,market cap发音、用法及例句

n.Market capitalization/capitalisation 市场总值,上市公司的股票市值总合。它的大小和成长度是判断一个公司好坏的重要依据。

market cap双语使用场景

1、Sino Forest has shed C$5. 39bn in market cap since mid March, leaving some investors to wonder how much more it can lose.───自3月中以来,嘉汉林业市值已蒸发了53.9亿加元,这让不少投资者想知道,它到底还会损失多少。

2、News Corp. 's class A shares account for about 70% of the company's market cap (recently $41 billion total) but have no voting power.───新闻集团A级股占公司市值(近410亿美元)的大约70%,但是A股持有者却没有投票权。

3、Apple that has more than double the market cap of HP.───苹果的市场占有率也是惠普的两倍。

4、The latest negotiable market cap of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell 5. 3% from a week earlier, data showed.───数据显示,沪深股市目前的流通市值较上周末减少了5.

5、With RIM's market cap down to around $21 billion, Microsoft might be able to get the deal done for $35 billion.───随着RIM的市场下跌到210亿美元,相信微软能以350亿美元完成这笔交易。

6、Microsoft was the No.1 company by market cap a decade ago.───微软在二十年前是软件市场的老大。

7、McDonald's market cap is only $83 billion.───麦当劳市值仅830亿美元。

8、Today, Kodak is trying to sell off its cache of digital patents, which may in fact be worth more than the company's market cap.───如今,柯达正设法将其数码领域的专利变现。实际上其专利价值有可能超过公司的市值。

9、The sum of all those brokerage statements adds up to the market cap (capitalisation) description and nothing more.───所有这些经纪账户对账单中的金额加起来就等同于市值,其它什么都不是。

market cap相似词语短语

1、marked up───涨价;标高价格;赊帐

2、market data───市场数据

3、market boat───采购小艇

4、market caps───市场价值;市场资本额

5、market days───n.[贸易]集市日

6、market cross───(中世纪市场上的)市场十字架

7、market crash───股市崩溃

8、market day───n.[贸易]集市日

9、market boats───采购小艇


Market cap就是市值。指公司总的市场价值,公式为,公司总股本 × 每股股价。


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