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 best guess中文翻译,best guess是什么意思,best guess发音、用法及例句

best guess中文意思翻译




best guess双语使用场景

1、By muddling through, is the best guess.───据猜测,最好的方式是蒙混过关。

2、"I would make my best guess after talking to them for a while and then I would go and see how accurate my guess was, " she recalled.───“在跟他们聊上一阵之后,我将做出最佳猜想,然后我就去看看我的猜测有多准确,”她回忆道。

3、Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. . .───管理者常常必须做出最好的猜测未来会怎样,设法给尽可能少的机会…

4、Here, just hours before posting his Sunday morning set of new secrets, Warren has laid out his best guess for the 20 he will put online.───在这里,他星期天早上,然后再发布新的秘密设置几个小时,沃伦已经制定了20个最好的猜测,他将他放在网上。

5、"Our best guess, however, is that the government (wants) to see declines averaging 10-20%, " he said.───但他说,我们猜测政府希望看到房价平均下跌10%到20%。

6、When introducing new applications, you won't have this history to help you, so you'll have to take your best guess.───当引入新的应用程序时,这些历史记录对您是没有帮助的,所以必须有最好的设想。

7、Remember, your first guess is your best guess.───记住,你的第一个猜测是最好的猜测。

8、Best guess beats careful planning.───最好的猜测强过精心的规划。

9、Even if you aren't sure what you really want, making your best guess enables you to begin exploring it more.───即使你已经确定你真正想要什么了,尽量猜一猜也能使你发现更多的东西。

best guess相似词语短语


2、be my guest───别客气,请用;请便

3、test gauges───检查量规

4、best girls───n.心爱的女朋友

5、best bet───最好的办法;最好的措施

6、best boys───场务助理;灯光助理

7、I guess───我想;我认为


9、at a guess───凭猜测;推测

my best 和friend之间加什么

my best friend 是最好的表达,不需加任何其他形容词.


my best choice;

my best bet;

my best guess;


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