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group work中文翻译,group work是什么意思,group work发音、用法及例句

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 group work中文翻译,group work是什么意思,group work发音、用法及例句

group work双语使用场景

1、Better organization coordination capability and capability to solve problem, possess group work spirit.───较强的组织协调能力,及问题解决能力.具有团队精神.

2、For this, group work cadre must restrain him strictly, accomplish character close surely degree, fit.───为此, 组工干部一定要严格约束自己, 做到言必合度 、 合体.

3、And can pick good person, with good person, group work cadre is decent crucial.───而能不能选好人 、 用好人, 组工干部是否公道正派至关重要.

4、The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.───那个女孩以前很害羞,但她渐渐地在团队合作中越来越积极,也更愿意表达自己的想法。

5、Now in blue sweet osmanthus garden group work.───现在在碧桂园集团工作.

6、Group work : Read the advertisement carefully and find out what the requirements of the job are.───这则真实的招聘广告帮助学生了解如何看懂招聘广告.

7、We usually do group work.───我们通常是团体工作.

8、Conversation size ( small group work ): an audience of up to 10 people.───对话大小 ( 小团队讨论 ): 到10个人的听众人群.

9、Group work is not only acceptable but actively encouraged.───你们可以团队合作,而且我很鼓励你们这么做.

10、The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work now.───这个女孩过去很害羞,但现在在小组活动中逐渐活跃了起来。

11、Here the authors discuss the study's results and made suggestions about social group work education.───本研究并针对研究结果,提出团体工作教育的省思与讨论.

12、This is our group work cadre, they use faithfulness and faith, fast forever red instinctive quality.───这就是我们的组工干部, 他们用忠诚和信念, 坚守着永远鲜红的本色.

13、Transferring a group work item from one group to another group.───组工作项从一个组传递到另一个组。

group work相似词语短语

1、drove work───宽凿工

2、group works───[劳经]小组作业


4、grunt work───.简单的,枯燥乏味的工作;会使人感到非常疲劳的繁重的体力劳动。


6、prep work───准备工作

7、group home───教养院




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