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team china中文翻译,team china是什么意思,team china发音、用法及例句

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 team china中文翻译,team china是什么意思,team china发音、用法及例句

team china双语使用场景

1、the basketball game by 15 points.───篮球赛结束时,中国队净胜15分。

2、Many different opinions have been expressed about how Team China was chosen this time.───关于现在如何选拔中国队的问题,已经有了很多不同意见。

3、Although it is an Asian team China does not play too fast and has tall players.───虽然是一支亚洲球队,但中国队速度不是很快,有很多身材非常高的球员。

4、Liu Xiang spearheads Team China to Daegu meet.───刘翔领衔中国队出征大邱世锦赛。

5、the traditional "flexible" style of team China in positional offense had totally disappeared.───中国队阵地进攻中“灵活”传统风格消失殆尽。

6、The good vision company takes the diving team the strategy partner, the team China diving team support has had Canada.───好视力公司作为跳水队的战略合作伙伴,一直队中国跳水队支持有加。

7、In Vegas, all the talk about where Yi will end up next season is somewhat inconsequential since he is playing for Team China.───在赌城,由于易建联正代表中国国家队征战,所有关于易建联下赛季归宿的言论此时都显得有点无厘头。

8、The Team China players had to be rescued from their supposed worshipers.───中国队的球员一个个还得从本该崇拜他们的粉丝手中救出。

team china相似词语短语

1、team sprint───团队冲刺

2、team wins───团队获胜

3、steam chest───n.蒸汽室

4、stone china───n.硬质陶器


6、steam point───蒸汽点

7、team teaching───协同教学;班组教学

8、team teachings───协同教学;班组教学





中国队:China team

巴西队:Brazil team

阿根廷队:Argentina team

西班牙队:Spain team

德国队:Germany team

意大利队:Italy team

法国队:France team

英格兰队:England team

萄牙队:Portugal team

荷兰队:Netherlands team

"team" 是一个表示团队的单词。它可以用作名词,也可以作为动词使用。

作为名词,"team" 表示一组人共同工作、竞争或参与某项活动的团队。例如,足球队、篮球队、企业团队等都可以用 "team" 来形容。

作为动词,"team up" 表示联合、合作。例如,"我们可以联合起来解决这个问题",可以翻译为 "We can team up to solve this problem"。

"team" 还有一些相关的表达,例如 "teamwork" 表示团队合作;"team player" 表示团队合作精神良好的人;"team spirit" 表示团队精神。


1、Our team won the basketball game last night. (我们队昨晚赢得了篮球比赛。)

2、 She loves working in a team environment. (她喜欢在团队的环境中工作。)

3、We need to collaborate and team up to finish this project on time. (我们需要合作并联手完成这个项目。)

4、The company has formed a new team to focus on marketing efforts. (公司成立了一个新团队,专注于市场营销。)

5、It's important to have good communication within the team to achieve success. (团队内部有良好的沟通对于取得成功非常重要。)


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