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impossible什么意思中文(absolutely impossible中文翻译,absolutely impossible是什么意思,absolutely impossible发音、用法及例句

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absolutely impossible中文意思翻译


 impossible什么意思中文(absolutely impossible中文翻译,absolutely impossible是什么意思,absolutely impossible发音、用法及例句)


absolutely impossible双语使用场景

1、It is absolutely impossible.───那是完全不可能的.

2、It is absolutely impossible.───绝对不可能。

3、EDWARD GREEN: Yes, I'm really sorry, but it's absolutely impossible for me this afternoon.───爱德华.格林: 是的, 非常抱歉, 但今天下午我绝对不行.

4、How absolutely impossible that is!───那绝对不可能!

5、He replied that this was absolutely impossible.───他回复说这是绝对不可能的。

6、It is difficult to cross the desert by car, but not absolutely impossible.───乘汽车穿越沙漠很困难, 但不是绝对不可能.

7、It'seems to be absolutely impossible ( that ) he will win the game.───看来他完全不可能赢得这场比赛了.

8、It is absolutely impossible to sure AIDS.───要治愈艾滋病是绝对不可能的.

9、Absolutely impossible! This is one way traffic.───绝对不可能. 这是单行道.

10、But it was absolutely impossible.───可是这绝对不可能.

11、It's absolutely impossible. I really can't accept the idea.───这完全不可能. 我实在不能接受这个主意.

12、Of course it's absolutely impossible.───当然那是万万不可能的。

13、He replied that this was absolutely impossible.───他回答说这绝对不可能。

absolutely impossible相似词语短语

1、absolutely petrified───完全僵化了

2、absolutely love───绝对的爱

3、absolutely necessary───绝对必要

4、virtually impossible───根本不可能;几乎不可能

5、absolutely sure───当然可以

6、absolutely disgusting───真恶心

7、absolutely amazing───非常令人难以置信

8、almost impossible───几乎不可能;近乎不可能

9、absolutely crucial───绝对重要



Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.


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