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pencilcase是什么意思(pencil cases中文翻译,pencil cases是什么意思,pencil cases发音、用法及例句)

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 pencilcase是什么意思(pencil cases中文翻译,pencil cases是什么意思,pencil cases发音、用法及例句)

pencil cases双语使用场景

1、These are pencil cases.───这些是铅笔盒。

2、Are those her pencil cases? No, they aren't. They are his dictionaries.───那些是她的文具盒吗?不是,那些是他的字典。

3、Children's Rucksacks, Handbag, Pencil Cases, Case- Cellular Phones, Racks, Utility Bag, Bags and Cases.───采购产品孩子的背包,手提包,笔筒,情形-细胞的电话,架,实效袋子,袋子和情形。

4、We want to buy Tin Box, ashtray, Soft Balls, Badges, Pencil Cases Badges and Emblems.───我们要采购烟灰缸,软球,徽章,笔盒,肩章和标志。

5、Here are some pencil cases. The blue ones are ours and the yellow ones is theirs.───这有两个铅笔盒,蓝色的是我们的,黄色的是他们的。

6、We want to buy Children's Rucksacks , Handbag, Pencil Cases, Case-Cellular Phones, Racks, Utility Bag, Bags and Cases.───我们要采购孩子的背包,手提包,笔筒,情形-细胞的电话,架,实效袋子,袋子和情形。

7、As countries grow richer, children's pencil cases grow fatter, though only up to a point.───随着国家的富裕,孩子们的铅笔盒开始膨胀,尽管只是那么一点空间。

8、those her pencil cases? No, they aren't. They are his dictionaries.───那些是她的文具盒吗?不是,那些是他的字典。

9、It's one of the universal truths of parenthood: Kids' pencil cases, folders, markers, and other school supplies are forever disappearing.───父母心目中的普遍真理之一就是:孩子的铅笔盒,文件夹,记号笔及其他文具永远地消失了。

pencil cases相似词语短语

1、pencil case───文具盒

2、pencil boxes───铅笔盒

3、pencil pushers───n.在办公室工作的人;管帐员

4、special cases───特殊情况

5、pencil crayons───色铅笔


7、pencil cedars───[林]铅笔柏


铅笔盒的英语是:pencil box


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