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rushhour(rush hours中文翻译,rush hours是什么意思,rush hours发音、用法及例句)

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rush hours中文意思翻译


 rushhour(rush hours中文翻译,rush hours是什么意思,rush hours发音、用法及例句)


n.高峰时间( rush hour的名词复数 )

rush hours双语使用场景

1、Cars often pile up here in rush hours.───在交通高峰期汽车往往这里挤成一团.

2、After the rush hours long hot day, it's better then.───繁忙炎热的漫长一天过去了, 那时要好.

3、Extra buses are put on during rush hours.───高峰期间增开公共汽车.

4、Cars often pile up here in the rush hours.───在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团.

5、They left work early for home to avoid the rush hours.───他们提前下班回家,以避开交通拥挤.

6、It is not rare that major roads are choked with traffic in rush hours.───在交通高峰期,主要道路出现交通堵塞的情况并不少见。

7、There are large sudden pollution increases during rush hours.───交通高峰时期的污染会骤然上升.

8、Driving during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind.───高峰期开车真叫人头疼.

9、Traffic jams happen all the time during rush hours.───交通高峰期塞车是常有的事.

10、The traffic on the streets during the rush hours virtually came to a standstill.───高峰期间马路上的交通车辆实际上已处于停止状态.

11、However, taxis are rather hard to find during rush hours.───但是在交通高峰时段很难叫到出租车.

12、Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours.───一些主要道路经常交通堵塞,在拥挤的交通容量方面的限制.

13、But it's really bad in rush hours, you know.───但上下班高峰时就很糟糕了.

14、A lot of cars passed through the turnpike at rush hours.───许多车在交通高峰时通过了高速公路.

15、traffic is always terrible during rush hours.───高峰时期交通总是堵得厉害。

16、Many of our people ride the buses at rush hours.───我们之中有许多人要在乘客最拥挤的时候搭乘公共汽车.

17、Manweiler described the system by analogy: "Big cities face heavy rush hours as workers come and leave their jobs at similar times."───曼维尔用类比这样描述这套系统:“在大城市的上下班高峰时期,人们在相同的时间上班或下班。”

18、There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.───84在上下班交通高峰期,公共汽车应该增加班次.

rush hours相似词语短语

1、bush house───布什大厦

2、lunch hours───午餐时间

3、bush houses───布什大厦


5、bush hooks───钩刀

6、rush jobs───紧急的工作;突击任务

7、bush hogs───灌木丛猪

8、last hours───临终时刻

9、rush hour───[交]交通拥挤时间;上下班高峰时间



n. 冲进;匆促;急流;灯心草

adj. 急需的

vt. 使冲;突袭;匆忙地做;飞跃

vi. 冲;奔;闯;赶紧;涌现

n. (Rush)人名;(英)拉什


He's a in rush to get to the airport, because the flight leaves in two hours.



v. 仓促(做某事);匆忙,急忙;催促;急送;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理

n. 仓促,赶时间;急忙

n. (Hurry) (美、英、加、澳、法、丹)赫里(人名)


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