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a couple world


two persons' world.(chinglish)

the world between you and me



口语用two person world表示就可以了,但如果正式书写用the world for two person

couple’s world

Two people worlds

a couple world


Two world

private space of lovers

Two people worlds

personal space


the world of two person

两人世界 指的是 不要孩子翻译为remain childless 参考:This is an indication that some young couples may opt to remain childless as they are worried about problems such as financial strain, nurturing and education. 这也说明了有些年轻夫妇担心经济吃紧,也忧虑照顾以及教育孩子的问题而选择过两人世界。

a world between you and mefamily home

1. The real world of two person is quiet but not lonely, the increase of one person will increase the chance of divergence, this is a deviation, the situation of no guard turns into sociality. The world of three is too crowded.2. Friendship is a luxury, which is not practical. Once you got it, you should be satisfied, because the true friend gives you nothing but friendship.3.Friend is of no utilization, when you are with him/her, you will feel free, when you face him/ her, you need not say a word ,but you know everything.4. A true friendship is not maitained by constant contact, once two or three years passed, the person at the other end of the line, is alway near you. The so called friendship that is supported by constant contact, is not reliable, once contact is rare, you will be hard to find them.5. People need distance, which generates sense of beauty, once you are too near with each other, you see weakness of the other side more, once two stones are plunged into water too near, the water wave disturns each other.6. A friend is like water, it does not remind you often, but it is always there.




丁克的名称来自英文Double Income No Kids四个单词首字母D、I、N、K的组合--DINK的谐音,Double Income No Kids有时也写成Double Income and No Kid(Kids)。汉语解释是指那些具有生育能力而选择不生育,除了主动不生育,也可能是主观或者客观原因而被动选择不生育人群。



1. 被迫因素致使一个人终身不曾生育;

2. 没有生育能力而永久不曾生育的人;

3. 生育能力不足有欠缺而一直不曾生育的人;

4. 终身不曾生育的人出现生育的念头而反悔的。



couple’s world

the world of two person


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