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own to中文翻译,own to是什么意思,own to发音、用法及例句

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own to中文意思翻译



 own to中文翻译,own to是什么意思,own to发音、用法及例句

own to双语使用场景

1、Guests received dolls of their own to take away.───佳宾们收到的可以带走的玩具,是以他们自己为原型制作出来的。

2、He had actually written a letter to own to this.───他实际上写了封信,承认了此事.

3、I had one or two little scores of my own to settle with Mr John Clay.───我自己就有一两笔帐要和约翰·克莱先生算.

4、I must own to a feeling of anxiety.───我必须承认我忧心忡忡.

5、I will have nothing of their own to create a sky!───一无所有的我将创造属于自己的一片天空!

6、I must own to feeling anxious.───我承认我感到了忧虑.

7、I must own to feeling rather anxious.───我必须承认自己相当忧虑.

8、He would not own to knowing those persons.───他不愿承认认识那些人.

9、I wondered how they had raised so much money on their own to help youngsters in need.───我想知道他们是如何靠自己筹集了这么多钱来帮助需要帮助的年轻人的。

10、He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.───他把自己的资金预付给他的公司,而公司却不能把钱偿还给他。

11、I own to you that she has spoken to me of it.───我向你承认,她对我谈到过它.

12、But also how all of the their own to try everything.───也懂得了一切的一切都要自己去尝试.

13、DNA employs some chemical reactions of its own to heal itself.───DNA使用一些化学反应来修复自己.

14、On her own to peanuts and spraying aerosol ( control grubs ).───背起喷雾器往花生地喷药 ( 防治蛴螬 ).

15、She would never own to a mistake.───她永远不会承认错误.

16、I own to a great many faults.───我承认自己有很多缺点.

17、He had no solution of his own to the plight of the Third Army.───他拿不出自己的办法来解决第三集团军被围困的问题.

18、He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.───他把自己的资金预付给公司,公司却未能偿还给他。

own to相似词语短语

1、on top───在上面;领先;成功

2、ran to───跑向;达到;趋向;发展到

3、out to───试图

4、on to───向

5、run to───跑向;达到;趋向;发展到

6、own up───v.坦白;爽快承认

7、down to───直到;下至;平息;处于低落状态;是…的责任

8、open to───朝;存在…可能性的


be on one s own是什么意思

be on one s own


ADJ自己的;属于自己的You use own to indicate that something belongs to a particular person or thing.

My wife decided I should have my own shop...



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