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lock on中文翻译,lock on是什么意思,lock on发音、用法及例句

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lock on中文意思翻译


 lock on中文翻译,lock on是什么意思,lock on发音、用法及例句



lock on双语使用场景

1、The Home key initiates the lock - on procedure when in Search mode.───Home键用于启动搜索模式下的锁定程序.

2、One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state.───有一家公司实际上垄断了整个州所有的橙汁销售。

3、SHACK ON THE TARGET - Missile lock on a aircraft.───目标闭入 - 敌飞机进入本机飞弹照准范围并被锁定.

4、You put a lock on the gym and forced them to meet you in the library?───你把体育馆锁上硬要他们到图书馆见你?

5、There is a lock on the door.───门上有一把锁.

6、He tried to fit a new lock on the door.───他试图给门安个新锁.

7、The lock on the door is a real tough nut to crack.───门上锁真是一件棘手的事情.

8、Mr. Unwin fitted a new lock on the door.───安文先生在门上装了一把新锁.

9、Results in a few days, you put a lock on the space.───结果再过几天, 你把空间上了锁.

10、Both threads will wait indefinitely for the lock on the other class loader, and so they become deadlocked.───两个线程都会无限期地等候另一个类装入器上的锁,所以它们就变成了死锁的。

11、Does the back door have a lock on it?───后门有锁 吗 ?

12、The lock on the door is rusty and won't open.───门上的锁锈住了.

13、Put a good lock on your door to safeguard against thieves.───锁好门以提防窃贼.

14、The cold has frozen the lock on the car door.───严寒已把汽车的门锁冻结起来.

15、The electronic lock on faucet and bathroom door connects by photoelectric cell.───水龙头与厕所门上的电子锁由光电管连通.

16、When I give the order, lock on!───我下命令时就追踪.

17、An intruder forced open a lock on French windows at the house.───有人强行撬开落地窗上的锁闯入屋里。

18、Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car.───零下十摄氏度把轿车上的锁冻住了。

lock on相似词语短语

1、knock on───撞击撞出;敲击(门、窗)

2、clocks on───打卡上班

3、block in───草拟,画草图

4、clock on───打卡上班

5、look on───观看,旁观;看待

6、lock in───把……关在里面

7、clock in───打卡上班;记录上班时间


首先,lock 做名词是锁的意思,做动词也是锁或是上锁的意思,如果是开锁应该用unlock。而on是介词,有很多种意思,但其中一个是开的意思,相反off是关的意思。其实在日常生活中,on表示开,off表示关,很常见,比如剃须刀上就有on和off分别表示开和关。


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