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 by product中文翻译,by product是什么意思,by product发音、用法及例句

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by product双语使用场景

1、Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by - product .───有用的药物是由无机物质制成的,或者是植物和动物的 副产品.

2、Rice germ as a by - product in rice milling, isa valuable nutrient resource.───大米胚芽是大米加工的 副产品,营养丰富, 具有很高的利用价值.

3、Kerosene is a by - product of petroleum refining.───煤油是提炼石油的 副产品.

4、The raw material for the tyre is a by-product of petrol refining.───制造轮胎的原材料是提炼汽油时产生的一种副产品。

5、Your state of mind is a by - product of your beliefs and attitudes.───你的思想状态是你的信念和态度的 副产品.

6、Our country has 6 kinds year farming by - product will continue.───今年我国有六类农副产品将继续走.

7、Sediment : A natural by? product deposited in wine during bottle aging.───沉淀: 一种在葡萄酒陈年的过程中所形成的葡萄酒的自然成分.

8、Steel slag is a by - product produced in the process of steel making.───钢渣是炼钢过程中的 副产品.

9、You can envision many different ways to group test assets — one may be by product or project, another may be by tester, another by the type of testing, for instance.───您能够想象出许多种不同的测试资产分类方法——例如,可以是通过产品或者项目进行分类,通过测试人员进行分类,或者是通过测试的类型进行分类。

10、It is derived as a by - product of Nickel refining.───它被获得作为镍精炼副产物.

11、Hydrogen is also a by - product of petroleum distillation and chlorine manufacture.───它还是石油蒸馏和氯生产的 副产品.

12、Using a typical star schema database design, a fact table might contain sales data by product, region, and time period.───按照典型的星型数据库设计,一个事实表包含按产品、地区和时间段排序的销售数据。

13、Conditional processing: With DITA, you can tag parts of a topic by product, audience, or other characteristics.───条件处理:通过DITA,您可以根据产品、对象或者其他特性标记主题的一部分。

14、Copyright was a by - product of the Renaissance.───版权是文艺复兴的副产物.

15、You say you feel that you're being made to choose, and so you are. Such choices as this are a by-product of freedom.───你说自己感觉是在被迫作选择,确实如此,而这样的选择是自由的附带品。

16、Better yet, the main by - product of the programme was conquering my fears.───不过幸好, 课程的主要 副产品 是克服我的恐惧.

17、Sometimes likely consumers are broken down by product - related segmentation.───有时候可能性的消费者就会被产品关联性很强的细分市场所征服.

18、Of Jiangxi farming how does by - product share trade, this is a keyword.───江西的农副产品如何参与世贸, 这倒是一句要害词.

by product相似词语短语


2、end product───最终产品;最后结果


4、dot product───[数]点积;标量积


6、buy a product───购买产品



byproduct英 ['baɪˌprɒdʌkt] 美 [ˈbaɪˌprɑdəkt] n. 副产品;意外结果,副作用


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