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instruction manual中文翻译,instruction manual是什么意思,instruction manual发音、用法及例句

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 instruction manual中文翻译,instruction manual是什么意思,instruction manual发音、用法及例句

instruction manual中文意思翻译




instruction manual双语使用场景

1、Please give us a copy of this information. ( technical specification, instruction, manual, document, diagram, catalog )───请给我们一份这个资料 ( 技术规程 、 说明书 、 手册 、 文件 、 图表 、 目录样本 ) 的复印本.

2、Kit: [ guessing its an instruction manual ] Just put that book right here!───以为是本指导手册 ) 把这本书给我!

3、The worst part of the setup is the poor instruction manual.───安装过程中最糟糕的部分就是差劲的操作手册。

4、The game does not need a big instruction manual.───这场比赛并不需要大说明书.

5、She lost the instruction manual, and asked them for help.───她丢失了指导手册,要求他们提供帮助。

6、The instruction manual completely defeated me.───这操作指南把我完全弄糊涂了。

7、Provides printing services of gift box, instruction manual, warranty card and label.───提供彩盒 、 说明书 、 保证咭及标签(贴纸)等印刷服务.

8、Refer to the instruction manual before installation and operation.───请在安装和操作前阅读说明书.

9、No need to do it now. you have the instruction manual.───不用,有操作手册.

10、Chris: I'm just looking at the safety instruction manual.───克里斯: 我只是在翻阅安全指南手册.

11、This Instruction Manual should be retained as proof of warranty.───本手册视为保证书的证据而应保留.

12、Good English in both written & spoken. Can read English instruction manual.───良好的英语听说能力,能够阅读英文专业资料.

13、Read ( really ) the instruction manual that came with your electronic organizer.───仔细阅读你的电子记事本所附带的操作指导.

14、That's why our instruction manual begins with these recommendations.───在开关设备安装使用前请先仔细阅读本说明书.

15、The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual.───安装时最糟糕就是操作指南讲述不够清楚。

16、Follow instruction manual of machine when working.───工作时,请依照机械手册指示.

17、Well, no. Um, is there an instruction manual?───这个嘛, 不是的. 嗯, 有操作指南 吗 ?

18、I would like to have an instruction manual for the computer.───我想要一本电脑操作手册.

instruction manual相似词语短语


2、construction companies───建筑企业(constructioncompany的复数)

3、instruction manuals───安装手册,操作工序说明书;工艺规范

4、construction loans───建设贷款,施工贷款

5、instruction booklet───操作指南小册子

6、instruction book───说明书

7、construction papers───图画用纸;建筑用纸;[纸]工作用纸

8、instruction books───说明书

9、construction loan───建设贷款,施工贷款

2、instruction manual无人机说明书?






5.飞机启动后, 左手推杆往前推, 飞机上升,往后拉飞机下降。飞机着地后保持推杆在底部不动3-4秒,飞机停止。

6.飞机在空中时, 左手推杆往左推, 飞机往左原地转动(飞机只转动,不走动)。飞左手推杆往右推, 飞机往右原地转动(飞机只转动,不走动)。

7.右手推杆往前推飞机往前飞, 推杆往后拉飞机往后退。右手推杆往左推飞机往左移,右手推杆往右推飞机往右移。



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