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1. 龙蟠:lóng pán

2. 传说:chuán shuō


1. 龙蟠是古代神话中的一种神兽。

2. 据传说,龙蟠能够掌控天气、操纵水域。

3. 在古代文学作品中,龙蟠经常被提及。

4. 龙蟠在文化中被视为吉祥、权力和财富的象征。

5. 日本和韩国的传统文化中也有关于龙蟠的传说。


1. 蛇龙纹:指古代艺术中使用到的一种图案,由蛇和龙组成。

2. 龙鳞:指龙身上覆盖着的鳞片。

3. 龙凤呈祥:指吉祥如意、幸福美满。

4. 龙蟠宝座:指帝王的宝座,象征着权力和地位。

5. 龙潭虎穴:指危险的地方或困难重重的处境。


Dragon Pan is a mysterious creature, it is a legendary beast in ancient Chinese mythology, believed to be a fusion of dragon and pan. Dragon Pan holds a very important position in Chinese culture, it is seen as a symbol of auspiciousness, power and wealth. In Chinese literature, Dragon Pan is also mentioned frequently, praised as "the most beautiful divine beast above the nine heavens".

Dragon Pan originated from ancient Chinese mythologies and legends, first appearing in "Classic of Mountains and Seas". According to legend, in the ancient times when heaven and earth were just created, there was a giant black dragon born from chaos. It was covered with countless scales and had nine heads. This giant dragon was named "Teng", flying in the sky and roaming on the earth. Later on, "Teng" mated with a phoenix named "Ming" and gave birth to a new creature - Dragon Pan.

Dragon Pan is also believed to be able to control the weather, manipulate water bodies and bring rain. According to legend, during droughts when people prayed for rain from heaven, Dragon Pan would appear and use its power to bring rain and nourish the land. Therefore, Dragon Pan is also seen as the guardian of agriculture.

In Chinese literature works, Dragon Pan is also mentioned frequently. For example, in "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong once fought against Dragon Pan and eventually defeated it. In ancient poems, there are also many descriptions about Dragon Pan such as "Golden scales and jade creature rule the world, one roar moves the winds in all directions" and "Red phoenix flies with white dragon, soaring a thousand feet above the sea".

Besides its important position in Chinese culture, Dragon Pan is also reflected in the cultures of other Asian countries. For example, in Japanese and Korean traditional cultures, there are also legends about Dragon Pan. In Japanese folklore, "Dragon Snake" is believed to be a divine creature that brings good luck and blesses families with peace and safety.

In summary, Dragon Pan plays an important role as a mysterious creature in Chinese culture. It is not only a significant character in ancient Chinese mythologies and legends but also seen as a symbol of auspiciousness, power and wealth by the Chinese people. At the same time, Dragon Pan is widely mentioned in Chinese literature works, becoming an important element in literary creations. Its legend has also influenced the cultures of other Asian countries, demonstrating its cross-cultural influence.


Dragon Pan is a legendary beast in ancient Chinese mythology believed to be a fusion of dragon and pan. It holds an important position in Chinese culture as a symbol of auspiciousness, power and wealth. Its origin can be traced back to ancient mythologies and legends, where it is believed to have the power to control weather and bring rain. In literature works, Dragon Pan is frequently mentioned and praised for its beauty and power. Its legend has also influenced other Asian cultures such as Japan and Korea. Overall, Dragon Pan represents the rich cultural heritage of China and continues to inspire people with its mysterious charm.


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