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6.Dragon flower is a type of beautiful flower, also known as "flower of the dragon". It is a perennial herb belonging to the lily family, and is commonly found in southern China, especially in Guangdong and Guangxi.

The unique feature of dragon flower lies in its distinctive shape and color. Its flowers are shaped like a bell, resembling a coiled dragon, hence the name "dragon flower". The colors of its flowers are also vibrant, usually in shades of red, yellow or white. In addition, dragon flower has a strong fragrance that emits a subtle scent.

Dragon flower is mainly grown in southern China, particularly in Guangdong and Guangxi. These regions have warm and humid climates with fertile soil, making it an ideal environment for the growth of dragon flower. As a result, one can see large numbers of blooming dragon flowers in these areas.


(1) There are several pots of dragon flowers planted in my backyard, and they bloom into beautiful small red bells every year.

(2) In rural areas, many people use dragon flowers as decorations for their courtyards.

(3) It is said that eating dragon flowers can enhance the body's immunity.

(4) Dragon flower is known as the "king of the south", representing a typical plant in southern China.

(5) Every spring, dragon flowers bloom into a sea of beautiful flowers, attracting many tourists to come and admire.

Compound words: Dragon flower garden, dragon flower tree, dragon flower fragrance, dragon flower bonsai, dragon flower seedlings.

In conclusion, dragon flower is not only a beautiful and unique plant with vibrant colors and a subtle fragrance, but also a representative of southern China. Its presence adds beauty to gardens and landscapes in this region.


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