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- 香气:麝鼠是以其特有的香气而闻名的动物。它们身上分泌出一种叫做“麝香”的液体,在古代被用来制作香水和药品。

- 活泼好动:虽然属于夜行性动物,但白天也会活跃起来。它们善于攀爬和跳跃,在树枝间穿梭自如。

- 蛇毒抵抗力强:由于生活环境多为丛林地带,常常会遭遇蛇类捕食。但麝鼠具有强大的抗毒能力,可以抵御蛇类的毒素。

- 长寿:麝鼠是一种长寿动物,平均寿命可达10年左右。



1. 麝鼠的身上分泌出的“麝香”被认为具有药用价值。

2. 在古代,人们常常将麝香用于制作香水和药品。

3. 麝鼠是一种夜行性动物,在夜晚才会出来觅食。

4. 由于生活在丛林地带,麝鼠具有强大的抗毒能力。

5. 长寿是麝鼠的一个显著特点,它们可以活到10年以上。

4. 组词:

- 香气:香气浓郁、芳香四溢、气味芬芳

- 活泼:活泼可爱、活泼好动、活泼调皮

- 蛇毒:抗毒能力强、抵御蛇毒、蛇毒抵抗力

- 长寿:长寿动物、长寿的象征、长寿秘诀

5. 麝鼠是什么动物?麝鼠有哪些特点?

Musk rat is a small mammal belonging to the family Muridae. It resembles a mouse in appearance, but is larger in size, measuring about 30 centimeters in length with a tail of about 15 centimeters. Musk rats mainly live in forests, grasslands and mountainous areas in Asia and Africa.

They have sharp senses of smell and hearing, and are active at night, feeding on plants. They have grey-brown bodies with black stripes on their back and white bellies. Apart from their appearance, musk rats also have the following characteristics:

- Fragrance: Musk rats are known for their unique fragrance. They secrete a substance called "musk" which was used to make perfumes and medicines in ancient times.

- Active: Although they are nocturnal animals, they can also be active during the day. They are good climbers and jumpers, moving through tree branches with ease.

- Resistance to snake venom: As they live in jungle areas, musk rats often encounter snakes as predators. However, they have strong resistance to snake venom.

- Longevity: Musk rats are long-lived animals with an average lifespan of around 10 years.

Musk rats have two main uses: as medicinal animals and as fragrances. In traditional Chinese medicine, musk is believed to have the effects of warming and tonifying the kidney yang, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. In ancient times, musk was also widely used in making perfumes and spices.


1. The "musk" secreted by musk rats is believed to have medicinal value.

2. In ancient times, musk was commonly used to make perfumes and medicines.

3. Musk rats are nocturnal animals, they only come out at night to forage.

4. Due to their living environment in jungle areas, musk rats have strong resistance to snake venom.

5. Longevity is a prominent feature of musk rats, they can live for over 10 years.

Word combinations:

- Fragrance: strong fragrance, fragrant aroma, sweet scent

- Active: lively and cute, active and energetic, playful and active

- Resistance to snake venom: strong resistance to poison, immune to snake venom, resistance to snake venom

- Longevity: long-lived animal, symbol of longevity, secret of longevity



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