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7.黄蜡的英文名称为"yellow wax",发音为[jelou wæks]。在古代医学中,黄蜡被称为"白芷"或"黄芷",是一种常用的中草药材。







10.Yellow wax is a natural organic compound, also known as beeswax, ceresin or paraffin, which is mainly composed of various high-level fatty acid salts and alcohol salts. Its characteristics are good stability and waterproof performance, as well as certain softness and extensibility. It usually presents a light yellow or dark brown color with a special luster.

11.Yellow wax is chemically known as octadecanoic acid octadecyl ester, with the molecular formula C28H56O2. Its crystal form is hexagonal system and it is solid at room temperature. It can turn into liquid at high temperatures and can be dissolved in various organic solvents.

12.The main use of yellow wax is as a waterproof material and lubricant. It is widely used in the manufacture of various waterproof products such as waterproof paper, waterproof cloth, waterproof paint, etc. It can also be used as a lubricant, which plays an important role in the manufacture of machinery equipment, automotive parts, electronic products and so on.

13.Using yellow wax can effectively improve the water resistance and corrosion resistance of products, and also has good antioxidant properties. It can remain stable at low temperatures and is not easy to deteriorate, so it is also widely used in food packaging and preservation.

14.Yellow wax can also be used as a natural beauty ingredient, which is widely used in cosmetics and skin care products. It has moisturizing and nourishing effects, which can improve dryness and roughness of the skin.

15.In addition to the above applications, yellow wax can also be used in the manufacture of candles, rubber products, paper coatings and other fields. In medicine, it also has certain uses as a pharmaceutical intermediate or preservative.

16.The English name of yellow wax is "yellow wax", pronounced [jelou wæks]. In ancient Chinese medicine, yellow wax was called "bai zhi" or "huang zhi", which is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine.

17.Example sentences:

"I lubricated the door lock with yellow wax, now it opens very smoothly."

"This waterproof paint contains yellow wax ingredients that can effectively prevent wall mold."

"This skincare product contains added yellow wax to help keep the skin hydrated."

"This candle is made from pure natural yellow wax and does not produce harmful substances."

"The doctor recommended me to take a small piece of yellow wax every day as a nutritional supplement."

18.Word group: waterproofing, lubrication, water resistance, corrosion resistance, antioxidant properties, moisturizing, nourishing, mildew-proofing, sun protection, beauty.

19.总结:黄蜡是一种具有良好稳定性和防水性能的天然有机化合物,主要用途是作为防水材料和润滑剂。它还可以在美容、医药、制造等领域发挥作用。黄蜡的英文名称为"yellow wax",发音为[jelou wæks]。通过使用黄蜡,可以有效地提高产品的耐水性和耐腐蚀性能,同时也具有抗氧化、保湿、滋润等功效。总的来说,黄蜡是一种非常实用和多功能的天然物质,对人类生活有着重要的意义。


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