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1. 鸠占鹊巢的鸠和鹊是指鸟类中的两种常见动物,分别是鸠和鹊。它们都属于雀形目,但属于不同的科,分别是:鸠科和鹊科。

2. 鸠占鹊巢的读音为jiū zhàn què cháo,其中“占”字读作zhàn,意为占据、霸占。而“巢”字读作cháo,意为窝、巢穴。

3. 鸠占鹊巢这个成语源自于古代的一则寓言故事。故事讲述一只善良的鹊在冬天为了帮助一只受伤的鸠找到温暖的窝时被无情的鸠赶走,并霸占了它原本属于自己的窝。从此以后,人们用“鸠占鹊巢”来比喻强者欺负弱者、侵占他人利益的行为。

4. 例句:






5. 组词:






6. 鸠占鹊巢(jiū zhàn què cháo)is a Chinese idiom that refers to two common birds in the bird kingdom, namely dove and magpie. They both belong to the order Passeriformes, but are from different families: Columbidae and Corvidae.

The pronunciation of 鸠(jiū) is similar to "jeow", while 占(zhàn) is pronounced as "jhan" and 巢(cháo) is pronounced as "chow". It means to occupy or dominate. And 巢(cháo) means nest or dwelling.

The origin of this idiom can be traced back to an ancient Chinese fable. The story tells of a kind magpie who helped a wounded dove find a warm nest in the winter. However, the ungrateful dove drove the magpie away and occupied its original nest. Since then, people use "鸠占鹊巢" to describe the behavior of a stronger person taking advantage of a weaker one.


1)Xiao Ming snatched Xiao Hong's seat, which was really unkind. He was clearly doing 鸠占鹊巢.

2)A new boss came to our company and took away all the projects that originally belonged to our department. He was obviously doing 鸠占鹊巢.

3)This land originally belonged to farmers, but it was unreasonably seized by the government. It's really 鸠占鹊巢.

4)The thief stole things from someone else's house. He was clearly doing 鸠占鹊巢.

5)I wanted to buy this dress, but someone else got it first. I was clearly 鸠占鹊巢.

Other related words:

1)鸠窝(jiū wō): refers to the place where birds build their nests.

2)巢穴(cháo xué): refers to the place where animals build their nests or live.

3)霸占(bà zhàn): refers to forcibly occupying other people's territory, rights, etc.

4)欺负(qī fu): refers to bullying or mistreating weaker individuals.

5)侵占(qīn zhàn): refers to illegally encroaching on other people's territory, rights, etc.

In conclusion, 鸠占鹊巢 is a commonly used idiom in Chinese that describes the behavior of a stronger person taking advantage of a weaker one. It originated from an ancient fable and is still widely used in modern society.


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