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1. 我们去年去贵州旅游,看了一场精彩的黔剧表演。

2. 黔剧中的歌曲非常动听,让人忍不住跟着节奏拍手。

3. 在贵州农村,人们常常晚上聚在一起唱山歌和看黔剧。

4. 这部电影中加入了很多黔南地区的民间故事和元素,让人耳目一新。

5. 每年的春节晚会上都会有一段精彩的黔剧表演。


Guizhou opera, also known as Qian opera, is a traditional Chinese opera genre and one of the main local operas in Guizhou Province. It originated from the southern region of Guizhou, hence the name "Qian opera". Qian opera belongs to the southwestern opera in Chinese opera and has close relations with Sichuan opera, Yunnan opera, Tibetan opera, etc.

The history of Qian opera can be traced back to the end of the Ming Dynasty, but it did not become popular until the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, the economy and culture of southern Guizhou developed rapidly, and various folk arts also emerged. Folk artists in southern Guizhou combined local folk songs, dances and storytelling to form a preliminary form of Qian opera. After continuous development and evolution, it gradually formed into today's Qian opera.

Qian opera has a strong ethnic flavor and local characteristics. It is based on Guizhou's local ethnic culture and reflects strong Guizhou style in performance forms, music rhythms, and costume designs. Due to the mountainous terrain and inconvenient transportation in Guizhou Province, there existed a singing form called "mountain songs" since ancient times. Qian opera developed on this basis, so its singing style also has a unique charm.

Qian opera has diverse performance forms including singing, recitation, acting, acrobatics, dancing, etc., among which singing is dominant. The music rhythm of Qian opera is lively with beautiful melodies and strong expressiveness. In performances, actors coordinate with drumbeats and gongs to sing recite act dance actions that make the whole performance more vivid.

The costumes in Qian opera are also unique. Located on the southwestern border of China, Guizhou Province is influenced by multiple ethnic cultures and has a rich variety of styles in costumes. Actors in Qian opera wear colorful costumes while dancing gracefully on stage, giving audiences visual enjoyment.

In addition to these characteristics mentioned above,Qian opera also has some other unique features. For example, it often incorporates folk stories and legends into performances and presents them through songs and dances. In terms of music, many local instruments such as banhu (a two-stringed fiddle) and daluo (a large gong) are used in Qian opera, making the music more ethnic.

Qian opera can be seen everywhere. It is not only popular in Guizhou Province but also welcomed by neighboring provinces. Qian opera performances always attract a large number of audiences during holidays. Moreover, Qian opera is also frequently performed at cultural events, weddings, and other festive occasions.

Here are some sentences about Qian opera:

1. We went to Guizhou for tourism last year and watched a wonderful performance of Qian opera.

2. The songs in Qian opera are very pleasant to listen to, making people unable to resist clapping along with the rhythm.

3. In rural areas of Guizhou, people often gather together at night to sing mountain songs and watch Qian opera.

4. This movie incorporates many folk stories and elements from southern Guizhou, which is refreshing.

5. There is always an exciting segment of Qian opera performance at the annual Spring Festival Gala.

Word group: mountain songs, banhu, daluo, dance, sing-recite-act-acrobatics


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