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6.Wei Bei (Chinese calligraphy)

Wei Bei is a type of ancient Chinese calligraphy font that originated in the Northern Wei Dynasty (386 AD - 534 AD), hence its name "Wei Bei". It is one of the earliest regular script fonts in Chinese history and has significant importance in the development of Chinese calligraphy.

The distinctive features of Wei Bei are its dignified and elegant style, upright and well-structured strokes, and smooth lines. Its strokes follow the "eight-part method", with each character consisting of eight equal parts, also known as "fens". The strokes in Wei Bei are thick and thin, powerful yet graceful, giving a sense of stability and solemnity.

During the Northern Wei Dynasty, Wei Bei was mainly used for inscriptions on stone and bronze objects. Later on, it was also used for writing on paper. It was considered a noble and dignified style of calligraphy that was highly praised at that time. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, with the development of economy and culture, Wei Bei gradually replaced Xiaozhuan (small seal script) and Lishu (official script) becoming the mainstream font, and it also influenced the development of regular script in later periods.


1) From Mencius's Gaozi Xia: "A gentleman does not use what he has not learned; he does not understand what he does not know. Therefore, a gentleman's knowledge can be used for everyone." (The character "器" is written in Wei Bei style.)

2) From Records of the Grand Historian: "Xiang Yu sat down and said: 'This is how a great man should be!'" (The character "大" is written in Wei Bei style.)

3) From Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Seeing Sun Quan's chaotic army, Liu Bei secretly rejoiced in his heart and ordered someone to pass on his message to meet with Sun Quan." (The character "会" is written in Wei Bei style.)

4) From Three Hundred Tang Poems: "The silk pipes in Jin City are fluttering, half in the river breeze and half in the clouds." (The character "风" is written in Wei Bei style.)

5) From Water Margin: "Song Jiang saw that these two men were dressed so fiercely and thought to himself, 'These two must be heroes.'" (The character "汉" is written in Wei Bei style.)

Word combinations:

1) Wei Bei inscriptions

2) Wei Bei stone carvings

3) Regular script of Wei Bei

4) Northern Wei's Wei Bei

5) Sui and Tang's Wei Bei.


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