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1. 高士奇是一种大型犬类,属于原始型犬种。它的起源可以追溯到古老的西伯利亚地区,被称为“寒冷之国”的西伯利亚地区是高士奇最初的家园。它们是一种非常古老的犬种,被认为是由古代北方原始狼和其他犬类杂交而成。

2. 高士奇(Siberian Husky)的英文发音为/sɪˈbɪərɪən ˈhʌski/,中文发音为/gāo shì qí/。它的名字来源于俄罗斯语“Sibirskiy Khaski”,意为“西伯利亚小狗”。

3. 高士奇具有灵活、敏捷、耐力强等特点,它们被广泛用于拉雪橇和护卫工作。此外,高士奇还拥有友好、温顺、忠诚等品质,因此也是一种受欢迎的家庭宠物。


1. He owns two Siberian Huskies, and they are the most energetic and playful dogs I have ever seen.

2. The Siberian Husky is known for its thick coat and piercing blue eyes.

3. The Huskies were bred to withstand the harsh climate and pull sleds over long distances.

4. Despite their fierce appearance, Siberian Huskies are actually very gentle and affectionate towards humans.

5. The Husky's howl is one of the most distinctive sounds in the dog world.

4. 高士奇的特点和起源组词:





5. 高士奇是什么?高士奇的特点和起源的中英文对照:


The Siberian Husky is a breed of large dogs, belonging to the primitive type of dogs. Its origin can be traced back to the ancient Siberian region, known as the "land of cold", which was the original home of the Siberian Husky. They are a very ancient breed, believed to be a result of crossbreeding between ancient northern wolves and other dog breeds.


The Siberian Husky is known for its agility, flexibility, and strong endurance, which makes them widely used in sled pulling and guarding work. In addition, the Husky also possesses qualities such as friendliness, gentleness, and loyalty, making them a popular choice as a family pet.



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