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1. 长相丑陋:鬼婆通常被描述为面目狰狞、皮肤苍白、眼睛凹陷的可怕形象。

2. 服饰破旧:她们身穿破旧的衣服,头发散乱,手指长而尖锐。

3. 邪恶力量:据传说,鬼婆拥有强大的邪恶力量,可以操纵风雨、引发灾难等。

4. 阴险心思:她们善于伪装和欺骗,并利用人类的弱点来达到自己的目的。

5. 能变化形态:鬼婆可以变成任何想要的样子,并且能够随意穿梭于人间和鬼界。

6. 吸取生命力:据说,鬼婆可以通过吸取人类的精气和生命力来延长自己的寿命。


guǐ pó


1. 那个老太太给我讲了一个关于鬼婆的故事,让我不寒而栗。

2. 据说这座废弃的村庄里住着一位鬼婆,附近的村民都不敢靠近。

3. 这个电影里有一个非常恐怖的鬼婆角色,让观众们大呼过瘾。

4. 小明每天晚上都会做同样的恶梦,梦中出现了一位手持铁链、面目狰狞的鬼婆。

5. 有人说这家旅馆里曾经发生过一起凶案,是被一位鬼婆所为。




What does "guǐ pó" mean?


What are the image and characteristics of "guǐ pó"?


The pronunciation of "guǐ pó" is guǐ pó.


Examples of "guǐ pó":

1. 那个老太太给我讲了一个关于鬼婆的故事,让我不寒而栗。

That old lady told me a story about "guǐ pó" that gave me chills.

2. 据说这座废弃的村庄里住着一位鬼婆,附近的村民都不敢靠近。

It is said that there is a "guǐ pó" living in this abandoned village, and the nearby villagers dare not approach.

3. 这个电影里有一个非常恐怖的鬼婆角色,让观众们大呼过瘾。

There is a very scary role of "guǐ pó" in this movie, which made the audience scream with excitement.

4. 小明每天晚上都会做同样的恶梦,梦中出现了一位手持铁链、面目狰狞的鬼婆。

Xiao Ming has the same nightmare every night, with a terrifying "guǐ pó" holding an iron chain appearing in his dream.

5. 有人说这家旅馆里曾经发生过一起凶案,是被一位鬼婆所为。

Some people say that there was a murder in this hotel, committed by a "guǐ pó".


Related words of "guǐ pó":

女鬼 (nǚ guǐ) female g

幽婆 (yōu pó) mysterious old woman

邪恶 (xié è) evil

阴险 (yīn xiǎn) cunning

形态变化 (xíng tài biàn huà) shapeshifting

吸取生命力 (xī qǔ shēng mìng lì) absorb life force


The Chinese and English comparison of "guǐ pó":

鬼婆 - "guǐ pó"

女鬼 - female g

幽婆 - mysterious old woman

邪恶 - evil

阴险 - cunning

形态变化 - shapeshifting

吸取生命力 - absorb life force


In summary, "guǐ pó" refers to a female g in Chinese folklore. They are often portrayed as ugly, dressed in tattered clothes, and possessing evil powers and cunning minds. They can shapeshift, manipulate people's minds, and absorb life force. The pronunciation of "guǐ pó" is guǐ pó. Examples of its usage include scary stories, urban legends, and horror movies. Related words include female g, mysterious old woman, evil, cunning, shapeshifting, and absorb life force. In Chinese, "guǐ pó" is also known as "女鬼 (nǚ guǐ)" and "幽婆 (yōu pó)".


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