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1. 颠茄是一种多年生草本植物,属于茄科植物,其学名为Datura stramonium。它也被称为曼陀罗、莨菪、白花莨、鬼针草等,是一种常见的野生植物。

2. 颠茄的特点主要有以下几点:





2. 颠茄的读音读法:

英文:Datura stramonium

拼音:diān qié shì shén me zhí wù?diān qié de tè diǎn yǒu nǎ xiē?

3. 颠茄的用例:






4. 颠茄的组词:


5. 颠茄是什么植物?颠茄的特点有哪些?

Datura stramonium is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. It is also known as jimsonweed, thornapple, moonflower, devil's trumpet, etc. It is a common wild plant.

The characteristics of Datura stramonium are as follows:

(1) The plant can grow up to 1-1.5 meters, and sometimes even reach 2 meters. Its leaves are triangular or heart-shaped with irregular serrated edges.

(2) The flowers of Datura stramonium are beautiful, usually white or pale purple with a strong fragrance. They are usually single in the axil of the leaf or at the , with bell-shaped petals.

(3) The fruit of Datura stramonium is a round capsule with a smooth surface and spiny hairs. When the fruit is ripe, it will split open and scatter many small black seeds.

(4) Datura stramonium contains various alkaloids such as atropine and scopolamine. These compounds have toxicity and can be used as medicine in certain doses, but excessive use can have serious side effects.

Datura stramonium is used for treating respiratory diseases such as asthma and coughs, relieving muscle spasms and neuralgia, making perfumes from its leaves, making poisons from its seeds known as "devil's snare", and producing hallucinogenic drugs with psychedelic effects.



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