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1. 坚定信念:拥有坚定的信念是培养韧性的重要基础。当遇到困难时,要相信自己有能力克服它们,并且相信一切都会变得更好。

2. 接受挑战:接受挑战可以帮助我们建立自信心和勇气。通过接受新的挑战并尝试解决问题,我们可以提高自己的能力,并且在面对未来的困难时更加有信心。

3. 学会应对压力:压力是培养韧性过程中不可避免的一部分。学会应对压力,保持冷静和乐观的态度,可以帮助我们更好地应对困难和挑战。

4. 培养自我能力:韧性也包括对自己情绪的能力。学会自己的情绪,保持平静和理智,可以帮助我们更好地应对挑战。

5. 保持积极心态:积极的心态可以帮助我们看到困难背后的潜在机会,并且相信一切都会变得更好。通过保持积极心态,我们可以更容易地克服困难并继续前进。

6. 培养适应性:韧性也包括适应能力。学会适应环境变化和不确定性,可以帮助我们更好地应对挑战,并且从中获得成长和发展。

7. 寻求支持:在困难时期,寻求朋友、家人或专业人士的支持是非常重要的。他们可以给予我们建议、鼓励和支持,帮助我们度过困难时期。


英 [rɪˈzɪlɪəns] 美 [rɪˈzɪljəns]


1. 她的韧性让她在面对挑战时从不退缩,最终实现了自己的梦想。

2. 他的韧性帮助他克服了生活中的种种困难,成为了一个坚强、自信的人。

3. 在经历了失败后,她展现出了惊人的韧性,重新振作起来并取得了成功。

4. 面对挑战,我们需要有足够的韧性来应对,而不是选择逃避。

5. 韧性是一种重要的心理素质,在现代社会中非常重要。


1. resilience (n.) 韧性

2. perseverance (n.) 毅力

3. determination (n.) 决心

4. adaptability (n.) 适应能力

5. endurance (n.) 忍耐力


1. have resilience 拥有韧性

2. show resilience 展现韧性

3. build resilience 建立韧性

4. develop resilience 培养韧性

5. bounce back from adversity 从逆境中反弹


Resilience refers to the ability of a person to maintain a strong and determined attitude when facing difficulties, challenges or pressure. It is a powerful psychological quality that helps people overcome obstacles, conquer challenges, and achieve personal growth and development. People with resilience can stay calm and optimistic in adversity, actively cope with changes and challenges, and learn from failures to move forward.

How to cultivate resilience?

1. Firm belief: Having a firm belief is an important foundation for cultivating resilience. When facing difficulties, one should believe in their ability to overcome them and trust that everything will get better.

2. Accept challenges: Accepting challenges can help us build confidence and courage. By accepting new challenges and trying to solve problems, we can improve our abilities and have more confidence when facing future difficulties.

3. Learn to cope with stress: Stress is an inevitable part of cultivating resilience. Learning how to cope with stress, staying calm and optimistic can help us better deal with difficulties and challenges.

4. Develop self-control: Resilience also includes the ability to control our emotions. Learning how to control our emotions, staying calm and rational can help us better cope with challenges.

5. Maintain a positive attitude: A positive attitude helps us see potential opportunities behind difficulties and believe that everything will get better. By maintaining a positive attitude, we can more easily overcome difficulties and move forward.

6. Cultivate adaptability: Resilience also includes adaptability. Learning how to adapt to changes in the environment and uncertainty can help us better cope with challenges and gain growth and development from them.

7. Seek support: In difficult times, seeking support from friends, family or professionals is crucial. They can give us advice, encouragement, and support to help us get through tough times.


Resilience is an important psychological quality that helps people overcome difficulties, conquer challenges, and achieve personal growth and development. To cultivate resilience, one needs to have a firm belief in themselves, accept challenges, learn how to cope with stress, maintain a positive attitude, and seek support when needed. It is a valuable quality to have in modern society and can be developed through practice and determination.


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