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韩愈 幽兰操是什么?

1.韩愈 幽兰操是一首由唐代诗人韩愈所作的古诗,也是他的作之一。这首诗以幽兰为主题,描写了幽兰在寒冷的冬天依然能够生长茁壮的形象,表达了作者对幽兰坚强不屈、顽强生存的赞美和敬佩。

2.韩愈 幽兰操(yōu lán cāo)的读音为yōu lán cāo。其中,“幽”字读作yōu,第三声;“兰”字读作lán,第四声;“操”字读作cāo,第一声。

3.韩愈 幽兰操的用例:




例句4:在韩愈 幽兰操中,幽兰被赋予了坚强、不屈的品格,成为了诗人赞美的对象。


4.韩愈 幽兰操相关组词:幽香、幽雅、幽静、幽谷、幽谷香、幽兰芳、坚韧不拔。

5.韩愈 幽兰操(You Lan Cao)- What is it?

1.You Lan Cao is a famous poem written by Han Yu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. It is also one of his representative works. This poem is based on the theme of You Lan and describes the image of You Lan growing strong in the cold winter, expressing the author's admiration and respect for its tenacious spirit.

2.The pronunciation of You Lan Cao is "you lan cao". The character "you" is pronounced as "you" with the third tone; "lan" is pronounced as "lan" with the fourth tone; "cao" is pronounced as "cao" with the first tone.

3.Examples of You Lan Cao:

Example 1: In the cold winter, when everything else withers, only You Lan stands tall and emits a refreshing fragrance.

Example 2: Despite being subjected to severe cold and snow, You Lan still grows strong without fear of difficulties.

Example 3: Although not as bright and eye-catching as peonies or chrysanthemums, You Lan has its own unique charm and elegance.

Example 4: In You Lan Cao, You Lan is endowed with a strong and unyielding character, becoming the object of the poet's praise.

Example 5: The vitality and tenacious spirit of You Lan make people marvel at the wonders of nature and the greatness of life.

4.Related words for You Lan Cao: faint fragrance, elegant, quiet, secluded valley, fragrance of secluded valley, fragrant You Lan, perseverance.


You Lan Cao is a famous poem written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty. It praises the tenacious spirit of You Lan in the cold winter and expresses admiration for its resilience. Its pronunciation is "you lan cao". In this poem, You Lan is endowed with a strong and unyielding character, making it an object of praise. Examples show that despite facing difficulties and challenges, You Lan remains strong and beautiful. Related words such as faint fragrance and perseverance further emphasize its unique charm and enduring spirit.


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