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“雨霖铃”的读音为yǔ líng líng,其中“yǔ”是第三声,“líng”是第四声,“líng”是第二声。在南方地区,由于方言差异,“yǔ líng líng”也有可能被读作“yǔ lín lín”。


1. 雨霖铃在古代常被用来预测天气,人们会根据雨霖铃发出的声音来判断是否会下雨。

2. 在古代农耕社会中,人们常常利用雨霖铃来祈求丰收和平安。

3. 雨霖铃也是古代宫廷音乐中不可或缺的一部分,常被用来伴奏歌舞表演。

4. 在民间婚礼、庆典等场合,人们也会使用雨霖铃来增添喜庆气氛。

5. 现代也有很多音乐家将雨霖铃融入到现代音乐作品中,为其增添独特的韵味。


1. 雨声:指雨滴落在屋顶、树叶等物体上发出的声音。

2. 铃声:指由钟、铃等发出的清脆响声。

3. 激激:形容声音高亢、有力。

4. 雷霆:指雷电交加时发出的巨大响声。

5. 发声:指发出声音。


雨霖铃 - Raindrop Bell

故事和来源 - Story and Origin


Raindrop Bell - 雨霖铃

Story and Origin - 故事和来源

Raindrop Bell is an ancient musical instrument, also known as "Rain Bell" or "Rain Sound Bell". It is a long, bamboo-made instrument with dozens of bamboo pipes, each with different length and diameter, producing different tones. Raindrop Bell first appeared in the southern region of China and gradually spread to other areas, becoming an indispensable part of ancient folk music.


The earliest record of Raindrop Bell can be traced back to the "Odes" in the Book of Songs, where it mentioned the scene of "rain sound and thunder". In ancient agricultural societies, people often used Raindrop Bell to predict weather and pray for a good harvest. Over time, Raindrop Bell has evolved into a musical instrument specifically used for performance and entertainment.


“雨霖铃”的读音为yǔ líng líng,其中“yǔ”是第三声,“líng”是第四声,“líng”是第二声。在南方地区,由于方言差异,“yǔ líng líng”也有可能被读作“yǔ lín lín”。

Raindrop Bell - yǔ líng líng

Pronunciation - 读音

"Raindrop Bell" is pronounced as yǔ líng líng, with "yǔ" being the third tone, "líng" being the fourth tone, and "líng" being the second tone. Due to dialect differences in southern China, it may also be pronounced as "yǔ lín lín".


1. 雨霖铃在古代常被用来预测天气,人们会根据雨霖铃发出的声音来判断是否会下雨。

2. 在古代农耕社会中,人们常常利用雨霖铃来祈求丰收和平安。

3. 雨霖铃也是古代宫廷音乐中不可或缺的一部分,常被用来伴奏歌舞表演。

4. 在民间婚礼、庆典等场合,人们也会使用雨霖铃来增添喜庆气氛。

5. 现代也有很多音乐家将雨霖铃融入到现代音乐作品中,为其增添独特的韵味。

Examples of Raindrop Bell

1. In ancient times, Raindrop Bell was often used to predict weather, and people would judge whether it would rain based on the sound of Raindrop Bell.

2. In ancient agricultural societies, people often used Raindrop Bell to pray for a good harvest and peace.

3. Raindrop Bell was also an indispensable part of ancient court music, often used to accompany singing and dancing performances.

4. In folk weddings, celebrations and other occasions, people would also use Raindrop Bell to add a festive atmosphere.

5. In modern times, many musicians have incorporated Raindrop Bell into their contemporary music works, adding a unique charm.


1. 雨声:指雨滴落在屋顶、树叶等物体上发出的声音。

2. 铃声:指由钟、铃等发出的清脆响声。

3. 激激:形容声音高亢、有力。

4. 雷霆:指雷电交加时发出的巨大响声。

5. 发声:指发出声音。

Collocations of Raindrop Bell

1. Rain sound: refers to the sound of raindrops falling on roofs, leaves, and other objects.

2. Bell sound: refers to the clear and crisp sound produced by bells or chimes.

3. Stimulating: describes a loud and powerful sound.

4. Thunder: refers to the loud noise produced by thunder and lightning.

5. Making sounds: refers to producing sounds.



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