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1. “他们结婚后住进了一间装饰精美的新房,并开始了幸福美满的陶婚生活。”

2. “他们举行了一场小型的家庭聚会来庆祝他们的陶婚。”

3. “按照当地传统习俗,在结婚后的第三天,他们举行了一场简单的小陶婚仪式。”


1. 陶器:指代古代文化中的陶器,也可以指代现代生活中的各种陶瓷制品。

2. 新房:指新人结婚后住进的新家。

3. 新婚:指结婚后不久的阶段,也可以指新人。

4. 生活:指日常生活,也可以指两个人共同创造的幸福生活。

5. 祝福:表示对新人美好未来的祝愿。

Tao marriage is a traditional custom in ancient China, which refers to the period of time after the newlyweds get married, living in their new home and starting their married life together. This custom originated from the pottery culture in ancient China, hence the name "Tao marriage". It is not only a traditional custom, but also a symbol of happiness and well-wishes for the newlyweds.

The origin of Tao marriage can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient society, pottery was considered as one of the most common, practical and important daily necessities. Therefore, when getting married, people would give pottery they made or purchased as gifts to the newlyweds. At the same time, placing pottery in the new home was believed to bring good luck. As a result, after getting married, the couple would live in a new home decorated with pottery and enjoy a happy and blissful period of time together. This is how "Tao marriage" came about.

Apart from being rooted in culture and tradition, Tao marriage also holds a profound meaning. Firstly, the character "Tao" means "achievement" or "perfection", so "Tao marriage" can also be interpreted as "perfect achievement". Secondly, the character "Tao" also means "mold" or "create", so "Tao marriage" can also be interpreted as "creating a beautiful life together". In general, Tao marriage represents the newlyweds' longing and blessings for a happy life, as well as their determination to work together to create a blissful family.

Some examples of Tao marriage include:

1. The newlyweds move into their new home after getting married and start their married life together, which is a typical Tao marriage.

2. The newlyweds hold a small family gathering shortly after getting married to celebrate and share their joy, which also falls under Tao marriage.

3. In some places, there is a custom of holding a simple ceremony or banquet at home within a few days after getting married, known as "little Tao marriage".


1. "They moved into a beautifully decorated new home after getting married and started their happy and blissful Tao marriage."

2. "They held a small family gathering to celebrate their Tao marriage."

3. "Following the local tradition, they had a simple little Tao marriage ceremony on the third day after getting married."

Words related to Tao marriage include:

1. Pottery: referring to pottery in ancient culture or various ceramic products in modern life.

2. New home: referring to the new house where the newlyweds live.

3. Newlywed: referring to the period shortly after getting married or the couple themselves.

4. Life: referring to daily life or the happy life created by the couple together.

5. Blessing: expressing good wishes for the newlyweds' future.

In summary, Tao marriage is an ancient custom that symbolizes the newlyweds' longing for a happy life and their determination to create it together. It is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and is still celebrated in some regions today.


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