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2.陆游(lù yóu)的生平事迹















陆游(lù yóu)- Lu You

字务观- Wuguan

号损益子- Sunyizi

南宋- Southern Song Dynasty

诗人- poet

散文家- prose writer

理学家- philosopher of Neo-Confucianism

仁宗嘉祐三年(1079年) - the third year of Jiayou reign (1079)

江苏扬州府广陵县 - Guangling County, Yangzhou Prefecture, Jiangsu Province

经典- classics

科举考试- imperial examination system in ancient China

局势 - political situation

民生疾苦 - people's livelihood and suffering

朝廷 - imperial court

流放 - exile

- imprisonment

流寓 - living away from home

迁徙 - migration

萍乡 - Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province

逝世 - pass away

用例 - example

社会现实 - social reality

自然风景 - natural scenery

哲理 - philosophy of life

Lu You (1079-1135) was a renowned poet, prose writer, and philosopher of Neo-Confucianism in the early Southern Song Dynasty. He was known as the most outstanding lyricist and a representative figure of the Neo-Confucian school. His poetry is fresh and beautiful, while his prose is clear and lively, which has been highly praised by later generations.

Lu You was born in Guangling County, Yangzhou Prefecture (present-day Yangzhou City), Jiangsu Province in the third year of Jiayou reign (1079). He showed great intelligence from a young age and had already mastered classics such as "The Analects" and "The Book of Filial Piety" at the age of twelve. During his youth, he studied under his father in Huzhou and became acquainted with the renowned Neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi, who had a great influence on his later study of Neo-Confucianism.

Lu You participated in the imperial examination but gave up on his dream of becoming an official due to dissatisfaction with the political situation at that time. He wrote numerous petitions to express his political views to the court, which resulted in several exiles and imprisonments.

Throughout his life, Lu You experienced many relocations and hardships. However, it was these constant changes that allowed him to be exposed to different cultures, which influenced his literary creations. His poetry and prose reflect his concerns for people's livelihoods and political reality while also showcasing his understanding of nature's beauty and life philosophy.

In 1135, Lu You passed away at Pingxiang City in Jiangxi Province at the age of 57.

Example sentences:

Lu You's poetry shows deep concerns for social reality, reflecting a scholar's thoughts on changing times.

In his prose works, Lu You often uses nature as a metaphor to express his discontent with politics and social customs.

Despite facing many hardships, Lu You remained steadfast in his pursuit of ideals and beliefs, maintaining independent thinking even in a repressive political environment.

Lu You's poems are known for their subtle and elegant style, offering readers enlightenment on life's trivial matters.

Lu You is renowned for his fresh and lively literary works with profound philosophical insights, earning him the title of "the greatest lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty."

Vocabulary: Neo-Confucianism, politics, exile, migration, literature, creation, understanding, social reality, natural scenery, philosophy

Phrases: political situation, people's livelihoods and suffering, scholar, changing times, using nature as a metaphor to express discontent with politics and social customs.


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