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隔山打牛(gé shān dǎ niú)的读音为gé shān dǎ niú。其中,“隔”字读作gé,意为“分开、遮挡”;“山”字读作shān,意为“高地、山脉”;“打”字读作dǎ,意为“击打、攻击”;“牛”字读作niú,意为“家畜、牲畜”。


1. 在面对困难时,我们要像隔山打牛一样坚定不移地迎头而上。

2. 他凭借着隔山打牛般的勇气和毅力,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。

3. 这个公司像隔山打牛一样,克服了一个又一个挑战,在市场上占据了领先地位。

4. 面对生活的各种困难,我们要学会隔山打牛,永不放弃。

5. 隔山打牛的在历史上也有许多例子,如岳飞、秦琼等名将都体现了这一。


1. 隔岸观火:比喻置身事外,不愿意插手或干涉。

2. 打草惊蛇:比喻做事不谨慎,暴露了自己的计划。

3. 打破沙锅问到底:比喻追究问题的根源或。

4. 山盟海誓:比喻郑重的誓言和承诺。

5. 牛刀小试:比喻初次尝试或试验性地做某件事情。




隔山打牛(gé shān dǎ niú)的读音为gé shān dǎ niú。其中,“隔”字读作gé,意为“分开、遮挡”;“山”字读作shān,意为“高地、山脉”;“打”字读作dǎ,意为“击打、攻击”;“牛”字读作niú,意为“家畜、牲畜”。

The meaning of "Ge Shan Da Niu" and its origin and story

"Ge Shan Da Niu" is a metaphorical expression that refers to the courage and determination to overcome difficulties and defeat powerful enemies. It originated from a folk legend in ancient China, which is a fable and also one of the commonly used allusions in Chinese culture.

Pronunciation of "Ge Shan Da Niu"

The pronunciation of "Ge Shan Da Niu" is gé shān dǎ niú. The character "隔" is pronounced as gé, meaning "separate, block"; "山" is pronounced as shān, meaning "high ground, mountain range"; "打" is pronounced as dǎ, meaning "strike, attack"; and "牛" is pronounced as niú, meaning "livestock".

The meaning of "Ge Shan Da Niu" and its origin and story in use

1. When facing difficulties, we should be like Ge Shan Da Niu, resolutely facing them head on.

2. With the courage and perseverance like Ge Shan Da Niu, he stood out in fierce competition.

3. This company, like Ge Shan Da Niu, overcame one challenge after another and occupies a leading position in the market.

4. In the face of various difficulties in life, we must learn to be like Ge Shan Da Niu and never give up.

5. The spirit of Ge Shan Da Niu also has many examples in Chinese history, such as famous generals like Yue Fei and Qin Qiong who embodied this spirit.

Words related to "Ge Shan Da Niu"

1. 隔岸观火 (gé àn guān huǒ): to watch from the other side of the river; to stay aloof from a situation

2. 打草惊蛇 (dǎ cǎo jīng shé): to startle a snake by hitting grass; to give away one's intentions carelessly

3. 打破沙锅问到底 (dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ): to break a clay pot while trying to find out what's inside; to get down to the bottom of things

4. 山盟海誓 (shān méng hǎi shì): vows made on a mountain and oaths sworn by the sea; solemn promises

5. 牛刀小试 (niú dāo xiǎo shì): trying out a sharp knife on something small first; making an initial attempt with little risk

The meaning of "Ge Shan Da Niu" and its origin and story in Chinese and English

隔山打牛 (gé shān dǎ niú) - Overcoming difficulties with courage and determination, just like beating an ox across mountains.


"Ge Shan Da Niu" is a metaphorical expression that refers to the courage and determination to overcome difficulties and defeat powerful enemies.


It originated from a folk legend in ancient China, which is a fable and also one of the commonly used allusions in Chinese culture.

隔山打牛 (gé shān dǎ niú) - Overcoming difficulties with courage and determination, just like beating an ox across mountains.

隔山打牛 (gé shān dǎ niú) - Overcoming difficulties with courage and determination, just like beating an ox across mountains.





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