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4.陶渊明诗集的读音为táo yuān míng shī jí,其中“陶”字的读音为táo,而非“陶”的拼音读音táo。这是因为在古代,人们对同一个字的读音可能会有多种不同的发音方式。






7.陶渊明诗集(Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection) is a collection of Tao Yuanming's poems, which includes various forms of poems he created throughout his life. Tao Yuanming (365-427), also known as Yuanliang, was a famous writer, philosopher, politician and agronomist in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was known as the "Poet of the Countryside" and his poems are full of love and contemplation for nature, life and human nature.

8.Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection includes works such as "Returning Home Farewell", "Peach Blossom Spring", "The Story of Mr. Five Willows", etc. Among them, "Returning Home Farewell" is one of Tao Yuanming's most famous works, depicting his disappointment with the reality of society and longing for rural life; "Peach Blossom Spring" is his vision of an ideal society; "The Story of Mr. Five Willows" is a fable that reflects his criticism of social reality and political corruption.

9.Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection also includes many other types of poems such as pastoral poems, landscape poems, elegiac songs, etc. These works are characterized by their freshness, simplicity and naturalness, reflecting Tao Yuanming's unique aesthetic taste and ideological style.

10.The pronunciation of Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection is táo yuān míng shī jí. The character “陶” is pronounced as táo instead of its pinyin pronunciation táo. This is because in ancient times, there could be multiple ways to pronounce the same character.

11.Examples from Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection:

(1) From "Returning Home Farewell": "In the lonely courtyard spring comes late; pear blossoms cover the ground without opening the door." This poem expresses the author's weariness with real life and longing for rural life.

(2) From "Peach Blossom Spring": "Though it be a happy year yet no longer can it hold me back." This line reflects the author's yearning for an ideal society and disappointment with the reality of society.

(3) From "The Story of Mr. Five Willows": "Henceforth, Mr. Five Willows moved there, and people said he was no longer in the mountains and forests." This implies the author's criticism of political corruption and social reality.

12.Word combinations from Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection: poet of the countryside, freshness and simplicity, naturalness, ideal society, political corruption, etc.

13.In summary, Tao Yuanming's Poetry Collection is a collection of Tao Yuanming's poems that reflect his unique aesthetic taste and thoughts on nature, life and human nature. His works are still widely read and appreciated today for their timeless themes and beautiful language.


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