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读音读法:chú xī shì shén me yì sī?chú xī de zuò yòng shì shén me?


1. 除息后,股东将不再享有该季度或年度的红利分配权。

2. 除息前,投资者可以通过持有公司股票获得公司盈利的一部分。

3. 除息后,公司资本结构将发生变化,对于投资者来说,可能会影响其投资收益率。

4. 除息也可以看做是上市公司财务管理中的一种重要手段,可以调节现金流和负债结构。

5. 除息还可以增强投资者对上市公司的信心和认可度。


1. 如果你持有该公司股票,你将在下个月获得每股2元的红利分配。

2. 随着该公司宣布除息,股票价格出现了短期下跌。

3. 投资者通常会根据公司的除息来决定是否购买该股票。

4. 该公司每年都会按照一定比例进行除息,以回报股东的投资。

5. 由于除息后公司盈利减少,该股票的市值也可能会受到影响。



Dividend is the distribution of a portion of a company's profits to its shareholders, which is determined by the resolution of the shareholders' meeting. The purpose of dividend is to reward shareholders and share the company's profits with them. It can also be understood as a way for listed companies to "pay dividends" to their shareholders.

The pronunciation and reading method of "除息是什么意思?除息的作用是什么?" is chú xī shì shén me yì sī?chú xī de zuò yòng shì shén me?

1. After the dividend is distributed, shareholders will no longer have the right to receive dividends for that quarter or year.

2. Before the dividend is distributed, investors can benefit from holding company shares.

3. After the dividend is distributed, there may be changes in the company's capital structure, which could affect investors' return on investment.

4. Dividend distribution can also be seen as an important tool in financial management for listed companies, as it can adjust cash flow and debt structure.

5. Dividend distribution can also enhance investors' confidence and recognition of the company.


1. If you hold shares in the company, you will receive a dividend of 2 yuan per share next month.

2. With the announcement of dividend distribution, the stock price has temporarily dropped.

3. Investors usually consider a company's dividend policy when deciding whether to buy its stock.

4. The company distributes dividends every year to reward shareholders for their investments.

5. Due to the decrease in profits after dividend distribution, the market value of the stock may be affected.

Word combinations: dividend, shareholders, profit, investors, return, earnings, cash flow, debt structure, confidence, recognition.

In summary, "除息" refers to the distribution of dividends by a listed company to its shareholders as a way to share profits and reward investors. This action can affect investors' returns and also reflects the financial management strategy of the company. As an editor in the dictionary industry, I hope this explanation has helped you understand "除息" and its significance in finance.


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