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4.闹剧的读音为[nào jù],其中“闹”字的发音为[nào],意为喧嚣、吵闹;“剧”字的发音为[jù],意为戏剧。因此,“闹剧”的读音可以理解为“喧嚣的戏剧”。



7.Nonsense is a form of drama, usually referring to light and humorous comedy, whose main characteristic is to exaggerate, ridicule, and absurd plot and characters, aiming to evoke laughter and entertainment from the audience. Nonsense is often used in forms of entertainment such as comedy films, TV shows, and stage plays, and can also be used as a way of expression in literary works.

8.Originating from ancient Greek drama, nonsense became popular in various European countries and gradually developed into an independent genre of drama. Compared with other forms of drama, it emphasizes more on the absurdity of the plot and the exaggeration of characters, focusing on comedic effects rather than seriousness. Therefore, common plots in nonsense include misunderstandings, double entendres, etc., while characters are often comical, contrasting or have special backgrounds.

9.Nonsense often uses exaggeration and humor to reveal social realities or criticize social issues. It can use exaggerated and absurd techniques to imply the absurdity of certain social phenomena, allowing the audience to reflect on social problems while laughing. In addition, nonsense can also be used to relieve stress and anxiety for people in a fast-paced life.

10.The pronunciation of "nonsense" is [nào jù], with "nào" meaning noisy or chaotic and "jù" meaning drama. Therefore, the pronunciation of "nonsense" can be understood as "noisy drama".

11.Nonsense is commonly seen in various comedy works such as the movie "Despicable Me" and TV show "Happy Comedian". It is also often used to describe certain events or situations, such as "this game is simply a big nonsense".

12.Word combinations: noisy commotion, full of jokes, comical and ridiculous, exaggerated absurdity, hilarious plot, funny scenes.

13.In conclusion, nonsense is a form of comedy that uses exaggeration and absurdity to entertain audiences while also conveying social messages. Its unique characteristics make it a popular choice for entertainment and a valuable tool for social commentary.


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