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1) 我今天早上去门诊部看了一下我的感冒,医生给我开了些药。

2) 门诊部里排队等候的人很多,大家都在等待看医生。

3) 由于我的情况比较严重,门诊部决定将我转到住院部进行治疗。

4) 门诊部的医生非常有耐心,耐心地为每一位患者解答疑问。

5) 我每个月都会来门诊部做体检,以确保我的身体状况。



5.Door Clinic,the main function of which is to receive and treat patients who come for outpatient services, providing basic medical care and health consultation. The clinic is usually composed of a group of doctors, nurses and other medical staff, who will make preliminary diagnosis and treatment according to the patient's condition, and refer them to other departments or hospitals if necessary.

6.The clinic serves as the first s for patients in the hospital, providing timely and convenient services. It also plays a role in screening and initial treatment, helping patients detect diseases early and receive timely treatment. Additionally, it can alleviate the pressure on other departments in the hospital, making the overall operation more efficient.


1) I went to the clinic this morning to have my cold checked. The doctor gave me some medicine.

2) There were many people waiting in line at the clinic, all waiting to see a doctor.

3) Due to my serious condition, the clinic decided to transfer me to the inpatient department for treatment.

4) The doctors at the clinic are very patient and patiently answer questions for every patient.

5) I come to the clinic every month for a physical examination to ensure my health.


clinic doctor, clinic nurse, clinic record, clinic fee, clinic queue, clinic referral, clinic visit, clinic service, clinic hours


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