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银鹿(yín lù),读音为“yín”、“lù”,其中“yín”为轻声,“lù”为阳平声。在古代文献中也有“白鹿”、“玉鹿”等称呼。


1. 银鹿被视为吉祥之兽,在传统文化中常被用作装饰品,如挂件、雕塑等。

2. 在古代诗词中也经常出现银鹿这一形象,如李白《将进酒》中有“红颜弃轩冕,白首卧松云”的诗句。

3. 银鹿还被赋予了守护和平的象征意义,被用来象征着的繁荣和安定。

4. 在古代神话中,银鹿还被描绘为神仙的坐骑,具有超凡的能力。

5. 银鹿也是传统医学中的重要药材之一,被认为具有滋补身体、延年益寿的功效。



Silver deer, the origin and meaning of silver deer

Silver deer is a magical creature, covered with silver fur all over its body. Its appearance is not only because of its beautiful appearance, but also because of the meaning it represents. In Chinese culture, silver deer has a long history and profound connotation. It has been endowed with many myths and legends, becoming an indispensable existence in people's hearts.

What is a silver deer? The origin and meaning of silver deer pronunciation

Silver deer (yín lù), pronounced as "yín" and "lù", where "yín" is a light tone and "lù" is a flat tone. In ancient literature, it was also known as "white deer" or "jade deer".

What is a silver deer? The origin and meaning of silver deer usage

1. Silver deer is regarded as a auspicious animal and is often used as a decoration in traditional Chinese culture, such as pendants and sculptures.

2. The image of silver deer also frequently appears in ancient poetry, such as the line "Abandoning the crown of beauty, lying under the pine clouds" in Li Bai's "Drinking Alone by Moonlight".

3. Silver deer is also given the symbolic meaning of guarding peace, representing the prosperity and stability of a country.

4. In ancient Chinese mythology, silver deer was also depicted as a divine mount with extraordinary abilities.

5. Silver deer is also an important medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine, believed to have the effects of nourishing the body and prolonging life.

What is a silver deer? The origin and meaning of silver deer related words

Silver deer eyes, silver deer antlers, silver deer skin, silver deer antler powder, etc.


银鹿 - Silver Deer

由来 - Origin

意义 - Meaning

美丽的外表 - Beautiful appearance

神话和传说 - Myths and legends

心中不可或缺的存在 - Indispensable existence in people's hearts

吉祥之兽 - Auspicious animal

装饰品 - Decoration

守护和平的象征意义 - Symbolic meaning of guarding peace

超凡的能力 - Extraordinary abilities

滋补身体、延年益寿的功效 - Effects of nourishing the body and prolonging life

Silver Deer – 银鹿

Origin – 由来

Meaning – 意义

Beautiful Appearance – 美丽的外表

Myths and Legends – 神话和传说

Indispensable Existence in People's Hearts – 心中不可或缺的存在

Auspicious Animal – 吉祥之兽

Decoration – 装饰品

Symbolic Meaning of Guarding Peace – 守护和平的象征意义

Extraordinary Abilities – 超凡的能力

Effects of Nourishing the Body and Prolonging Life – 滋补身体、延年益寿的功效



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