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1) 红在长坂坡浴血奋战,最终取得了胜利。

2) 长坂坡地形险峻,难以攀登。

3) 长征突围战役中,红在长坂坡遭遇了强大的敌阻击。

4) 长坂坡的历史见证了和红的英勇斗争。

5) 在长征途中,红经历了许多艰辛,其中最为艰苦的就是在长坂坡的战斗。


1) 坡险:指地势险要、难以通过的山坡。

2) 征战:指进行战争、征服他人。

3) 浴血奋战:形容战斗十分激烈、残酷,伤亡惨重。

4) 英勇斗争:指勇敢地进行斗争、抵抗。

5) 远征:指远距离地出征或远行。

6.长坂坡(Changbanpo)is a mountainous area located in Hubei Province, China. It is an important part of a mountain range with steep terrain and magnificent natural scenery, known as "the most dangerous pass in the world". It is also a famous battlefield in the history of Chinese revolutionary war, witnessing the heroic struggle and bloody battles of the Communist Party of China and the Red Army.

The name "Changbanpo" has two different pronunciations in Chinese. One is "pō", meaning steep and difficult to pass through; the other is "pò", meaning broken or ruptured. Both pronunciations can explain the dangerous location and difficult history of Changbanpo.

As a significant battlefield during the revolutionary war, many famous battles took place at Changbanpo. The most well-known one was the breakout battle during the Long March in 1934, where the Red Army suffered heavy casualties and endured a grueling journey before successfully breaking through enemy lines, marking a new stage in China's revolutionary war.


1) The Red Army fought bravely at Changbanpo and eventually achieved victory.

2) The terrain at Changbanpo is steep and difficult to climb.

3) During the breakout battle of the Long March, the Red Army encountered strong enemy resistance at Changbanpo.

4) The history of Changbanpo witnessed the heroic struggle of the Communist Party of China and the Red Army.

5) The Long March was a journey filled with hardships, with one of the toughest being the battle at Changbanpo.

Word combinations:

1) Dangerous slope: refers to a mountain slope with steep terrain that is difficult to pass through.

2) War expedition: refers to waging war or conquering others.

3) Bloody battle: describes a fierce and brutal battle with heavy casualties.

4) Heroic struggle: refers to fighting bravely against all odds.

5) Long march: refers to a long-distance journey or expedition.

In conclusion, Changbanpo is not only a geographical location but also a symbol of bravery, sacrifice, and determination in China's revolutionary history. Its significance goes beyond its physical features as it represents an important chapter in the country's struggle for independence and progress.


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