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1. 金燕(jīn yàn): jīn读第一声,yàn读第四声。

2. 雀形目(què xíng mù):què读第二声,xíng读第二声,mù读第四声。

3. 雀科(què kē):què读第二声,kē读第一声。

4. 昆虫(kūn chóng):kūn读第一声,chóng读第二声。

5. 社会性动物(shè huì xìng dòng wù):shè读第四声,huì读第四声,xìng读第四声,dòng读第òng四声, wù 读 第4 声。



1. 金燕在春天会建造精巢,每年可以产下5-6个蛋。

2. 金燕的羽毛具有防水功能,可以在雨天保持干燥。

3. 金燕的叫声悦耳动听,常被人们用来作为音乐元素。

4. 在传统文化中,金燕被赋予了吉祥、幸运的象征意义。

5. 由于金燕对昆虫的能力强,因此被人们视为农业上的益虫。



1. 燕子(yàn zi)

2. 黄腰柳莺(huáng yāo liǔ yīng)

3. 花蜜(huā mì)

4. 领地意识(lǐng dì yì shí)

5. 绚丽多彩(xuàn lì duō cǎi)

Golden Swallow, characteristics of Golden Swallow

1.Golden Swallow is a type of bird, belonging to the order Passeriformes and family Passeridae. It is mainly found in forests in eastern Asia, northern America and northern Europe. Golden Swallows are small birds with a body length of about 10 centimeters, oval-shaped bodies with slightly larger heads and short, pointed beaks. Their feathers are mostly yellow or orange with black spots and stripes.

2. Golden Swallows are skilled flyers, able to fly for hours without resting. They can reach speeds of over 50 kilometers per hour while flying. They are also social animals, often appearing in groups and having a strong sense of territory.

3. Golden Swallows are omnivorous, mainly feeding on insects, fruits and nectar. They use their sharp beaks to catch insects and can use their tongues to extract nectar from flowers. Due to their strong control over insects, they are considered beneficial insects in agriculture.

4. Golden Swallows are also very intelligent birds with good learning and memory abilities. They can learn to use tools to obtain food and can produce different sounds by imitating the calls of other birds.

5. Golden Swallows are also beautiful birds with colorful feathers and elegant flying postures, making them popular as ornamental birds. In China, they are also seen as symbols of good luck and prosperity.

Golden Swallow, characteristics of Golden Swallow


1.Golden Swallow (ˈɡōldən ˈswälō): golden pronounced as first tone, swallow pronounced as fourth tone.

2.Order Passeriformes (ˈôrdər ˌpasərəˈfôrmēz): order pronounced as second tone, passeriformes pronounced as second tone.

3.Family Passeridae (ˈfam(ə)lē ˌpasərəˌdē): family pronounced as first tone, passeridae pronounced as first tone.

4.Insects (insekts): insects pronounced as first tone.

5.Social animals (sōSH(ə)l ˈanəm(ə)lz): social pronounced as fourth tone, animals pronounced as fourth tone.

Golden Swallow, characteristics of Golden Swallow


1. In spring, Golden Swallows build intricate nests and can lay 5-6 eggs per year.

2. The feathers of Golden Swallows have waterproofing capabilities, keeping them dry in rainy weather.

3. The call of the Golden Swallow is pleasant to listen to and is often used as a musical element.

4. In traditional Chinese culture, Golden Swallows are seen as symbols of good luck and prosperity.

5. Due to their strong control over insects, Golden Swallows are considered beneficial insects in agriculture.

Golden Swallow, characteristics of Golden Swallow

Compound words:

1. Barn swallow (bärn swälō)

2. Yellow-rumped warbler (ˈyelō ˌrəmpt ˈwôrb(ə)lər)

3. Nectar (ˈnektər)

4. Territory awareness (tɛrɪtɔri əwɛrənɛs)

5. Colorful and vibrant (kʌlərfʊl ænd vaɪbrənt)



1. 金燕 - Golden Swallow

2. 雀形目 - Order Passeriformes

3. 雀科 - Family Passeridae

4. 昆虫 - Insects

5. 社会性动物 - Social animals

6. 黄腰柳莺 - Yellow-rumped warbler

7. 花蜜 - Nectar

8. 绚丽多彩 - Colorful and vibrant



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