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1. 她明明知道老板不喜欢听甜言蜜语,却还在办公室里采媚取悦。

2. 这个小组里只有一个女生,她总是被男生们采媚着,让人看了很不舒服。

3. 这部电影中的女主角为了追求财富和地位,不惜采媚权贵,最终落得个悲惨的下场。

4. 她虽然年纪轻轻,却善于利用自己的美貌和甜言蜜语来采媚男性,从而获得了很多机会。

5. 他在面试时总是采媚地说话,结果被HR认为是一个没有主见、缺乏独立思考能力的人。


5. "Flattery" is the meaning of "cai mei". The usage and examples of "cai mei"

1. Cai mei refers to the behavior of women using words, actions or clothing to cater to men in order to win their favor and attention. This behavior usually carries a certain degree of insincerity and flattery. For example: She always flatters her boss in order to get a promotion opportunity.

2. The usage of cai mei is often seen in literary works, especially in classical literature. It can be used to describe women's flattery and pleasing behavior towards men, or men's flattery and flattery towards superiors or the powerful. For example: He always speaks in a flattering manner in public to show his sycophantic attitude.

3. The word "cai mei" originated from the actions of ancient women who lowered their heads, raised their eyes, or giggled to cater to men, and later extended to mean catering, pleasing, or flattery. It can refer to both behavior and words.

Example sentences:

1. She knows that her boss doesn't like sweet words, but she still flatters him in the office.

2. There is only one girl in this group, and she is always being flattered by the boys, which makes people uncomfortable.

3. In this movie, the female protagonist pursues wealth and status by flattering the powerful, but ends up with a tragic fate.

4. Although she is young, she is good at using her beauty and sweet words to flatter men and gain many opportunities.

5. He always speaks in a flattering manner during interviews and is perceived by HR as someone without opinions or independent thinking abilities.

4. Cai mei can form phrases such as "cai mei quan chong" (flattering for favor), "cai mei feng cheng" (flattering and pleasing), "chan mei e yu" (sycophantic adulation). They all have negative connotations, indicating people's insincere and sycophantic behavior in order to win others' favor or achieve certain goals.

5."Cai mei" means using words or actions to cater to someone for personal gain or benefit. The examples of its usage are often found in literary works where characters use flattery as a means of manipulation or advancement. This term has negative connotations and is often associated with insincerity and sycophancy. It can also be used to describe someone who is overly flattering or obsequious in their behavior towards someone in a position of power or authority.

For instance, in ancient times, women were expected to use "cai mei" to please men and gain their favor. This behavior was seen as a way for women to gain social status and security. However, in modern society, "cai mei" is often viewed as a negative trait, as it shows a lack of genuine character and integrity.

In conclusion, "cai mei" is a term that describes the act of flattery or sycophancy. It can be used to describe both men and women who use insincere means to gain favor or manipulate others. This term has been widely used in literature throughout history and continues to hold its negative connotations in modern society.


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