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4.金水河的读音为“jīn shuǐ hé”,其中“金”和“水”都是常用的汉字,分别表示黄金和水。这个名字可能是因为这条河流在古代曾经运输黄金,也可能是因为它的水质清澈如金。


- 金水河畔的村庄是一个古老而美丽的地方。

- 我们每年春节都会去金水河看龙舟比赛。

- 这条铁路桥梁跨越了金水河,连接了两个城市。

- 传说中,金水河的水可以治愈疾病。

- 在郑州市区,你可以看到许多人在金水河边散步或钓鱼。


- 沿岸:指与某条河流或海洋相邻的地区。

- 水利:指关于利用、管理和保护水资源的技术和方法。

- 水源:指供应某一地区或某一所需用水的来源。

- 水道:指供船只通行的人工或自然开凿的通道。

- 河滩:指位于河流、被洪涝冲积物覆盖、可作耕地的低洼地带。

7.金水河 - Jinshui River


Jinshui River is a river located in Henan Province, China. It flows through the cities of Zhengzhou and Luoyang. It originates from the Funiu Mountains and eventually merges into the Yellow River. The length of Jinshui River is approximately 162 kilometers and its drainage area covers about 2,600 square kilometers.


The history of Jinshui River can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period when it was known as "Taihang Water" or "Taihang River". During the Sui and Tang dynasties, with Zhengzhou as the capital, Jinshui River played an important role in transportation. In the Song dynasty, it was renamed as "Jinshui" and became a part of the Grand Canal. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Jinshui River remained an important transportation route and a railway bridge was built across it in the late 19th century.


In addition to its historical significance, Jinshui River is also a cultural landscape. It flows through many ancient towns and villages such as Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xinzheng, and Mengjin. These places are rich in cultural heritage and traditional handicrafts. Moreover, during the Chinese New Year festival, locals hold dragon boat races to celebrate this river.

金水河的读音为“jīn shuǐ hé”,其中“金”和“水”都是常用的汉字,分别表示黄金和水。这个名字可能是因为这条河流在古代曾经运输黄金,也可能是因为它的水质清澈如金。

The pronunciation of Jinshui River is "jīn shuǐ hé", with "jin" and "shui" being common Chinese characters that mean gold and water, respectively. This name may have originated from the fact that this river was used to transport gold in ancient times, or it could be because of its clear water resembling gold.


- 金水河畔的村庄是一个古老而美丽的地方。

The villages along Jinshui River are ancient and beautiful.

- 我们每年春节都会去金水河看龙舟比赛。

We go to see the dragon boat races on Jinshui River every Chinese New Year.

- 这条铁路桥梁跨越了金水河,连接了两个城市。

This railway bridge spans across Jinshui River, connecting two cities.

- 传说中,金水河的水可以治愈疾病。

Legend has it that the water from Jinshui River has healing powers.

- 在郑州市区,你可以看到许多人在金水河边散步或钓鱼。

In Zhengzhou city, you can see many people walking or fishing by the banks of Jinshui River.


- 沿岸:指与某条河流或海洋相邻的地区。


- 水利:指关于利用、管理和保护水资源的技术和方法。

water resources management

- 水源:指供应某一地区或某一所需用水的来源。

water source

- 水道:指供船只通行的人工或自然开凿的通道。


- 河滩:指位于河流、被洪涝冲积物覆盖、可作耕地的低洼地带。




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