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金玉满堂的读音读法是:jīn yù mǎn táng。其中,“金”字读作jīn,意为黄金;“玉”字读作yù,意为美玉;“满”字读作mǎn,意为充满;“堂”字读作táng,意为大厅。整个成语的读音是四声平声。








Gold and Jade Filled Hall is a term that describes wealth and abundance. It originated from the book "Records of the Grand Historian" by Sima Qian, where it says "the house of a king must be filled with gold and jade." It describes a country that is prosperous and its people living in abundance. In ancient times, gold and jade were the most valuable treasures, so this term can also be used to describe a household filled with valuable possessions.

There are many stories related to Gold and Jade Filled Hall, one of the most famous being about Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. Legend has it that after unifying the six states, Qin Shi Huang ordered all the treasures in the world to be moved to his palace to demonstrate his power and wealth. The palace was filled with gold, silver, jewels, and other treasures, leaving people in awe of the opulence of Qin Shi Huang's "Gold and Jade Filled Hall."

Apart from this story, there are other legends related to Gold and Jade Filled Hall. For example, during the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet named Li Bai, also known as the "Poet Immortal." It is said that Li Bai got drunk at a lavish banquet and told the , "Your feast is filled with gold and jade, but there is no poet here to praise it, what a pity!" In his drunken state, Li Bai wrote a famous poem called "Drinking Alone in the Moonlight."

There are also folktales about Gold and Jade Filled Hall. One of them is about two brothers named Fu Gui (Riches) and Fu Qian (Poverty). They lived in the same village but were not on good terms due to their different family backgrounds. One day, they both attended a sacrifice ceremony where they met an old man who gave them each a stone and said, "These stones are precious gems, but their true value can only be realized when you put them together." When they tried it at home, it turned out to be true. From then on, they became close again and became very wealthy.

Besides these stories, Gold and Jade Filled Hall also appears frequently in literature. For example, in Cao Xueqin's novel "Dream of the Red Chamber," there is a scene called "Gold and Jade Filled Hall." In this scene, Jia She (the grandfather of the protagonist Baoyu) held a grand banquet called "Gold and Jade Filled Hall" to celebrate Baoyu's birth.

The pronunciation of Gold and Jade Filled Hall is jīn yù mǎn táng. The character "金" is pronounced as jīn meaning gold; "玉" is pronounced as yù meaning jade; "满" is pronounced as mǎn meaning full; and "堂" is pronounced as táng meaning hall. The tone of this term is fourth tone, first tone, third tone, and first tone.

Gold and Jade Filled Hall is widely used in modern Chinese language. For example, "His family is truly Gold and Jade Filled Hall, they lack nothing." This sentence describes a family that is wealthy and has abundant resources. Another example is "This performance was truly Gold and Jade Filled Hall!" This sentence means the performance was magnificent and grand.

Example sentences:

1. He lived frugally his whole life and eventually achieved his dreams, living a Gold and Jade Filled Hall life in his old age.

2. This company has been managed successfully and is now a Gold and Jade Filled Hall.

3. Even though her family is Gold and Jade Filled Hall, she still maintains a simple lifestyle.

4. The movie had a huge budget, with spectacular scenes that can be described as a visual feast of Gold and Jade Filled Hall.

5. She grew up in a Gold and Jade Filled Hall environment, so she feels numb towards wealth and luxury.

Other related words: Double Prosperity, Wealth to Rival Nations, Abundance of Wealth, Prosperity Everywhere You Turn


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